
Carrying to term and being a single father is simply not an option most men have.

Because you're contradicting yourself. You've just said: "...considering all things woman should have the last say on abortion." - so great. We're all on the same page, end of conversation.

Figure out a way to grow the fetus on your own and you are welcome to it.

That powerless feeling is the reason why men want laws to control women's bodies. My answer: biology is unfair. Women understand this extremely well.

When that fetus is growing in side of you, then we'll start considering the other side of it. Until then, the only side that should matter is the side that is being burdened with another human growing inside of it.

I think most women who are in healthy relationships with men and are in the position of considering whether or not to terminate an unwanted pregnancy DO consider the perspective of their partner. For women who are not in a relationship, or are in an abusive/unhealthy/otherwise dysfunctional relationship, or have been

The other side of this? You mean the side where you get full bodily autonomy as a boy, and I don't, because I'm a girl? No - I don't consider that. Women's bodies are not wards of the state, subject to the whims of men who wish to exert control over them.

Actually, i choose self-cutting because of those friends, and that was back in the early nineties, so honestly, it has nothing to with "pop culture references". It's mainly a dedication to those friends, and my attempts to understand what they were going thorough back then. Nothing more than that. Not everything is

Well how about a whole bunch of ladies go visit these nice gentlemen in there homes, offices and (if possible) expensive cars sans sanitary product and then they can tell us whether or not it's a luxury product?

Will they have slave rape as a party game?

The reason self-harm figures so greatly in the first part of the comic is because a) self-destruction is a very common theme in depression, and although many sufferers do not self-harm, many sufferers do punish themselves in various ways, and cutting is a good visual representation of that need to self-destruct. Also,

I'd written out a whole long paragraph about research into depression and the psychical basis of it, and the ways it's been proved that it's an objectively real mental disorder, but I decided I should probably try and clarify what you're actually trying to say here first.

I think you might be mistakenly assuming that people identify common experiences because they see those experiences in media, when in fact many mental illnesses tend to manifest themselves in specific, predictable ways. That's not to say that there aren't cultural influences that inform those experiences, but many

Depression isn't a bad mood, though. Plenty of people who suffer from depression also experience normal bad moods during their lives. Depression is a mental illness, one that is diagnosed by medical professionals and requires treatment.

Well in that case, have some white friends serve you while wearing blackface! It's consistent with the lack of sensitivity required to have the themed party in the first place, after all.

To make the party really authentic, get your black friends to serve you ... what's that? You don't have any? Surely not.

This is so bad. I think my cringe is cringing. Cringeception. Seriously, what were they thinking?

Should we hire slaves for this party? You know, just to make it more authentic.

Paula Dean's on it right now.