
Life imitates art?

Sooooo, as a woman who turned 26 two days ago, I say the following:

Funny, I don't see my peers helping out with middle of the night feedings or diaper blow outs.

LOL I'll be 25 this Saturday. Me? Kids? Oh, sweetheart......

Cool 26 is the age I had my tubes tied and closed up my baby making shop.

I'm sorry...but I assume when it comes to fire departments they design their physical fitness tests around demands that firefighters are likely to face in life threatening situations. The fact that other women passed the tests just fine goes to show that there's nothing wrong with the tests themselves.

I see your point about stamina versus speed, but they weren't asking her to run 26.2 miles, they asked her to run a mile and a half. My long run pace is crap usually over 11 min/mile but I know if I had to run a mile and half in under 12 minutes, I could do it without a problem. I might not be happy about it, but it

Running 1.5 miles at an 8 minute mile pace ( the part of the test she continually fails ) is not something at any reasonably fit human should struggle to accomplish. Maybe if they are not a runner then it would be tough at first. Even then, with the slightest bit of dedication to improving a non-runner could easily

I think it is great to have women in careers like this. It should be encouraged and supported and the visibility of women in "non-traditional" careers is awesome to see. Still, my brother worked for years as a volunteer before officially getting hired, and the process was long and hard. What is required of a

There are patriarchal structures where the reasons for excluding women (like: ovaries, baby-makers, hormones, blah blah blabbity blah) are obviously and inherently misogynist.

On one hand, if what they are saying is true than this woman shouldn't be a firefighter. There is a misconception that feminists want the physical qualifying rules changed for military or firefighting jobs to let more women in, but the response here and in other articles tells me that is not so.

The only acceptable question is, "Does this applicant meet all of the qualifications to serve as a firefighter?"

If I were a woman firefighter I'd be livid that this kind of stuff was allowed to occur. IMO situations like this are worse for feminism than any glass ceiling.

Women should absolutely be able to serve as soldiers or firefighters, but only if they can meet the same basic fitness standards required to do the job.

She couldn't run a mile and a half in 12 minutes. I can only imagine how poor her stamina is with all the gear on. Bummer.

I think we all know what his problem is.

You know what is really scary about all this??

I love a good mob with pitchforks as much as the next person, but every time a story shows up about this asshat....

If his date is supposed to be the kind of woman that knows her station and stays at home to cook and clean, how is she supposed to have money to pay for their date? So confused.