
Except this isn't an article about fat-shaming or rape, it's an article about shaming a woman for being thin. Explain how that is derailment.

You noticed that there are indeed plenty of people who believe being slim is sunshine and rainbows, who do not grasp that body shaming affects every woman, but perhaps note

This is fucking hilarious. You do realise that this is an article about thin-shaming, right? And that you are the one derailing here?

I am not sure I see the MRA comparison for the OP. Just for the record, I am a woman who has been criticized for being too thin often, and I also really am bothered by thin women who feel the need to chime in on articles about fat shaming because I think the two aren't really comparable. They both can hurt, but being

You know why people think she's a heroin addict? Bc she's thin. My point stands.

So can we finally lay to rest the lie that thin women have the privilege of walking around in public without getting negative comments on their appearance? Good. Because I'm almost as tired of hearing that bullshit as I am of hearing that I must be anorexic.

Now if the countries of the EU and the United States would just stop the millenia-long exploitation, genocide, and stripmining of Africa's people and natural resources and allowed them control over their own land and to charge a fair price for goods and labor, AND united as a group, then not only would they rival the

THIS! Thank you! I think the "stop slut shaming you guyz!" argument is totally missing the point. My issue all along has been about privilege and appropriation.

It's not just the nudity, it's how it contextualized. It's largely framed as the Good Girl Gone Bad, co-oping subcultures and communities considered "dark" and "dirty" and "seedy." I feel like a culture of debasing oneself as a form of transgression has emerged and I am not entirely comfortable with it. For one, to

Good, good... the public grows weary of all these little, naked pop stars and redirects its attention to the entertainer we OUGHT to be seeing everywhere:

If someone co-opted my art to create something that I considered an abomination of the principles which guided my art, I'd speak up too. Sinead shaved her head to subvert the expectation that she'd sell herself sexually as a female artist only to, twenty years later, watch someone who claims to be inspired by her

As an aside, to get through these comments with my sanity intact I've decided that everyone accusing Sinead of trying to piggyback on Miley for attention must be Miley's age. You can't know even two things about Sinead O'Connor and believe that.

She didn't inject herself into this for no reason. The open letter was in direct response to Miley's claim that she was paying homage to Nothing Compares 2 U with the Wrecking Ball video.

WTF, Miley. I even was defending you a little bit here and there, but mocking mental illness? I am done. You have become firmly rooted in Beiber Territory for me. Just another spoiled, sheltered, apathetic asshole child star.

Over the months & years, there's been a progression of adjectives that swirled about my brain in Miley Cyrus word association. Cheesy. Disney. Sweet. Burgeoning. Over compensating. Hubris. Misguided.

They're both horrible. Sinead with her slut-shaming, and Miley with her mocking of mental illness.

Yeah I wasn't a fan of the "behaving like a prostitute" bit, but I'm still with Sinead overall. Making fun of mental illness is such an asshole thing to do.

But the answer remains the same in that what you are thinking is "white" hair that took a lot of time and effort might be what grows out of her head. That is all.

If hair is on a WOC's head it's WOC hair. There is no one way to be a WOC. Some of my friends rock the short natural, some long flowy weaves, some locks. None of us are more "Black" than anyone else.

But now men will be able to fake orgasms, too! That's our thing.

Why the fuck are so many of you having trouble distinguishing between actual people living today and cartoons? Is it because you've never actually seen a person of color outside of a cartoon? Do you know any native Americans? Like by name? Or are they basically the same thing as Smurfs in your mind?