
What is it with the conservative/libertarian arguments about insurance that can't seem to understand that we really don't have that much control over when we'll need to go to the doctor/hospital? We can't just decide not to have female bodies anymore because they cost us too much money (first I had to get rid of my


Thanks for this. I had noticed it was hidden without the link but I didn't realize it was gone.

Girrllllllllllllll (or Dudddeeeee, idk your gender).

Next let's do a story of the women's rights movement and its racism issue. Ain't i a woman?

It is an absolute joke that Jezebel continues to try to write about issues concerning WOC on this site while making absolutely no mention of its role propping up the dangerous charlatan who Hugo Schwyzer. It's disingenious and insulting to WOC and their allies.

Ive edited my post to include a screengrab of ninjacates comment

And on this article too! The hypocrisy is insane.

Why have you deleted Ninjacates post from the comments it had 31 recomends. Oh yeah this will solve your marginalization of WOC problem, just silence more Women. [please recomend this to move it out the greys]

So when a powerful/charismatic man sleeps with a woman, it's presumed to be rape? That is a ridiculous argument that denies women agency or responsibility for their decisions to consent to sex (as long as they do in fact consent). Given that MLK had government spies and wiretaps on him, him actually raping someone

I'm recommending and commenting because your post really shouldn't be stuck in the grays. We need to be talking about this, often and openly, until EVERYONE'S voice is heard.

I don't think cheating counts as sexism, whether with prostitutes or anyone else. They can potentially be related in some cases, but cheating in and of itself isn't an indicator of sexism or misogyny.

Me too. Especially since just last night I listened to Congressmen John Lewis talk about the March on Washington on NPR. He was a speaker that day, and listening to his account and parts of his speech got me fired up in a way I haven't been in quite some time. A young lady called in and he told her the fight wasn't

Iiiiiii dunno.... That's fine and all, but if we're going to talk about the civil rights movement's lack of inclusion for women, we might also have to talk about how NOW and the womens' rights movement basically ignored the existence of women of color.
I'm waiting for the resurgence of the Poor People's Party. Maybe

There are a billion people living on that continent. If your theme is African Animals, say African Animals. It's not that hard. When people say something is Europe themed, they mean food and art and history and landmarks. When people say something is Africa themed, they mean animals and plants. The fact that you don't

Did your grandfather invade space and slaughter a lot of saturnians? Because if so, if might be more important to get it right. And of course there's a focus on animals at a zoo. The "animal" theme is implied by the whole "zoo" concept. This is more like if you went to a museum, and most of the continents were

That's because most people see no big deal about talking about Africa in a way that erases the existence of modern Africa and African people because it happens with such frequency that a bunch of people who probably for the most part consider themselves liberals don't even understand what the problem with it is.

so why it africa represented by wild animals in his mind?


Jeez, some people are just way too serious.

amiright, amiright??


" just because it's been taken advantage of in the past." Well it's still being taken advantage of, by many other countries. China mostly as of right now. What would have been nicer, or I guess smarter for by the royal family is the nursery African themed would have been to focus on a particular part of the country.