
Based on the comments I have read here and at the other article, this is why I am not a feminist. Most of the people are unaware of the issue here, or they are so hellbent on defending this they refuse to analyze this video in a critical light.

hey don;t want to sit here debating a non-existent point seeking insult where there is none, they want to Get Shit Done.

When are straight, white, cis-gender men not allowed to express themselves? Part of the problem is this groups tends to do the most talking and none of the listening.

Yeah I must have missed that too.

I agree with you. Why can people not like the parody, so we cannot critique a parody?? I did not care for it. I would prefer WOC to speak or do a parody (or at least have creative control of the parody, not sure if they did or did not) on the over-sexualization/fetishzation in the music industry. *shrugs*

Is it really bad? I haven't watched snl in years but if it is funny I will watch some tomorrow.

Not surprised. I think the writers can't get past race and write parts where a black person is not a stereotype.

Your opinion the analogy was bad, I get it.

I used an analogy, I am not saying they are the same thing. I am just pointing how why would anyone force someone to claim a label. Also people have and are complaining about people not calling themselves feminism. I seen it here and anytime this topic is brought up. Some say, "If you believe in gender equality then

Why are some people so obsessed with making other women call themselves feminist? What do you gain from forcing someone to identify as something? It reminds me of people telling how multi-racial should racially identify themselves as. You are not entitled to label people who refuse such labels, even if you believe

Y'all get the point, SNL is not funny. I read what I wanted to read. Getting Black women is not a priority just like being funny.

"It's not like it's not a priority for us,"

This comment is everything. I am so glad you posted it!

The same way many Black Women still love R.Kelly

This is the best thing that could have happened to this girl.

That person is not going to get it. They are not basing their information on data or evidence but rather ignorance and hatred of POC.

Racism doesn't exist in every facet of modern life

Good. When my mother was preggo with me she had a male coworker rub her belly. She then preceded to rub his and asked, "do you having your stomach rubbed" he answered no. Then she asked "would you rub my belly if I was not pregnant" he said no. So she said why rub it now. He had no answer.

Did you know that Whites still get a majority of the scholarships? Also people can qualify for scholars solely on major, gender, religion, first-generation etc. Also their are scholarships for white ethnicities (ex. Irish). Also what "free college education" do you speak of for being Black? I never heard of that.

Still confused. How do you know the hair is white. Usually weave hair is Asian. Chinese an Indian are the most common. Using 'white' is problematic.