
Yeah the conservative parts of Ohio tend to be the south and maybe some of the small towns.

I never been a fan of retouch, even in my school pictures. I always noticed in retouched pictures my skin is lighter, my teeth whiter, my nose is smaller and other things I cannot spot but I know are different. I feel the retouched picture looks nothing like me!!

Disclaimer: I do not know how the fashion industry works so I could be wrong.

They have always been an issue. The issue has never disappeared, in fact the issue is only going to get worse because: a) tv is going to continue to recognize that interracial families exist b) interracial couples are increasing c) people are more accepting to interracial couples. I heard plenty of people who

Avoid using a shampoo that is too drying. Also look for shampoo and conditioners that have the word moisture on them. Deep conditioning will also help! Garnier Fructis has excellent products, I use the, and other women I know who have variety of curls use them as well. Moisture is the key! Also use a leave in

Any gif with Rupaul is amazing. Rupaul is a goddess no one can tell me otherwise. Gabby is such a sweet woman, I like the black dress.

I know right? She looks amazing in the picture above the article. I thought she handled the remark quite well! Every time I hear about her I just fall more in love with her!

I totally agree with everything you have said. I cannot see how one can protect racism, unless they do racist things all the time thus empathize with the racist person or they think it is the burden of the minority to deal with racism. I would never defend the actions of a racist.

"It’s a man’s world so there are a lot of things that aren’t as easy for females as they are for men. Its part of the game and it comes down to whether they want to play it or not."

Yeah I watched a little mermaid movie that was done in japanese anime where in the end she does turn to foam. She does not get the prince, another woman in the movie did. What was funny was my grandmother bought it for my brother and I when we were little....this version of the little mermaid, the mermaids did not

I really debated whether or not to buy a vita just for that game, but it was a little out of my price range lol. I hoping the next gen consoles do not let me down!!

Yes I am hoping the game industry improves, as a Black female gamer it sucks to see that diversity is rare to find in games. I played games as far back as on my gameboy and Ps1 so a I no stranger to games. I remember I decided to look up a list of the 15 best Black video game characters....the list includes characters

Things like this make racist anger, why? They do not want to be reminded that the US will inevitable be composed mainly of people of color. That the "All-Americn" image which is usually white skin, blond hair and blue eyes could be replaced with brown skin, dark hair and dark eyes. (even though it has been years since

As a (future) psychologist, everything about this study is deplorable. I disapprove. I would have laughed at this study in the pre-stages. Honestly, undergrad psy students could have come up with WAY better ideas to study. Boooooooo!

What is sad is that the original article says, "had sex with unconscious woman". 'Had sex' implies consent. She did not give consent. The original article should say raped not had sex...

I feel bad for women who say no to public proposals, I heard these women have been booed. I also heard stories of women who say yes because they feel the pressure of being in public, but say no later on. I personally do not think public proposals are cute (I know that maybe certain couples like this so sorry). I do

in the United States, women earn 77 cents for every dollar earned by a man, a number that is even lower for Black and Hispanic women, at a respective but not respectable 64 and 54 cents.

Dr. Alan Kwan, who used images of two 2013 white people,existing knowledge of humans' evolutionary direction, and a whole lot of wild speculation to construct the images of futurepeople.

This world will be a lot better place when we are all mutts so close minded people dont put so much importance on race or culture.

Ah yes affirmative action. It bothers me because people use the term "affirmative action" when they do not get something (such as a job, an acceptance into a certain university, or another type of position) without actually having knowledge of whether affirmative action was even used. Plus I see examples on why it is