
So wait, she was married at 19 to a 60 year-old man? And they had a child when she was 20? 

I am so SICK of Joan’s snark. I don’t care for Katy Perry but the way they shared their pictures was a really beautiful, impactful choice. The world is so bleak, can’t we celebrate the tiny moments of grace?

I hope the takeaway by the public from this horrible tragedy is that lakes can be full of hazards. Many lakes are actually created by damming rivers in valleys so that beneath the placid surface lies entire drowned forests. I was taught to be aware of such ‘snags’ growing up camping by man-made lakes in Northern

I think even Chloe and Halle might find themselves confused by Joan’s level of hyperbole. It’s a fun, well-produced pop song. They are breaking absolutely no molds, and I think Fiona Apple and others might object to her characterization of ‘a year starved of innovative sounds.’ Sometimes reading Joan’s writing gives

Yes, take Joan off the political beat now. Her cynicism, snark, and lack of research are bad enough in the gossip section. I had to re-read this article several times to make sense of it. Then I scrolled to the bottom and saw, yep, Joan wrote it. What happened to Jezebel? There are talented unemployed/underemployed

Why so mean about JLo’s wedding??

This is exactly the kind of content I am looking for now, thank you!

Was it really necessary to create an entire post taking down one Kardashian outfit choice in such brutal (and debatable) terms? I’m not an apologist but it’s Kim’s job is to wear things that create press, and she’s done so here. If you’re going to take the bait, and reap the rewards of publishing content that makes

Why is this being reviewed on Jezebel? It doesn’t seem terribly relevant to the site’s ethos. It also seems that the writer went to review a movie she knew she’d hate, but not one with the same enjoyable camp hate-ability as something like Cats. I am confused. 

I’m really proud of all my girlfriends who have refused to settle, and either had children on their own, focused on their own happiness, or married late to someone who can actually meet their needs. If more women are single past 40 now, its through choice. Men simply haven’t risen, for the most part, to the level of

I had to reread several paragraphs to make sense of them. Love Joan, but not all of this is coherent, and therefore not that interesting. There are lots of typos, and the bullet points at the end aren’t much fun either. 

I shared this exhilaration, an alien experience for someone as anti-sports as me, but it was coupled with unease at the risks and suffering we expect from our young people in the name of competition. Monica is a larger-than-life figure in these kids lives, wielding her power to build their self-confidence, but

If, with all that is garbage in the world today, we only decide to cancel one terrible man I have barely heard of, I will be very disappointed in this site. 

I don’t understand who on earth would be draw into these autoplay videos. I start trying to read an article and this annoying audio comes on interrupting me and making me scroll all over the place to make it stop. Makes me want to get off the site entirely!


You had me at hello, then you threw in a mention of writer Sally Wainright at the end and I literally pumped my fist and hissed yesssssssss at my computer screen.

Also- lotta Trump supporters in Paradise. I would know, I am related to them. They just lost their whole community and not a kind word from their leader. Not his best move. 

I give my students Staedtler 3B pencils because they have a good range of value (darks and lights) and are soft and rich. Treat yourself to the Staedtler sharpener too. And I recommend finding classes in your area if you can- colleges often have figure drawing courses that are open to the public, and your local arts

My girlfriends and I were JUST talking about this last night- falling back into a bitter mistrust of men due to the political climate and personal relationships. I agree that it is toxic, though, and important to combat. I have not yet found the partner I deserve but I can look to my Dad, uncle, brother, and cousin

I woke up this morning to all these replies and am so moved by the generosity of strangers. An artist that I follow, Meryl Patakey, recently created a neon sign installation that reads: WE HAVE DONE SO MUCH WITH SO LITTLE FOR SO LONG THAT NOW WE CAN DO ANYTHING WITH NOTHING FOREVER. She posted it yesterday and it was