
Oh boy, prepare to get inundated by Star Citizen shills calling this a hit piece, and biased. If there’s one thing that SC does better than any other game is flooding the internet with bogus crap about ‘how great’ the game is. I personally think that’s where most of the development money is going. You can’t even make

That was my take on the free fly event as well. Some of the core gameplay loops are starting to progress nicely but the whole ‘immersive’ experience that SC players always pitch is simply a nightmare with all the bugs.

Well I'm not getting one so........... I guess nothing. 

Well I'm not getting one so........... I guess nothing. 

Was in game development for a few years and can basically confirm that players give near mystical signficance to completely random events. During original testing I ended up constantly rechecking code because users would report, ‘x has never happened to me this is broken’ or ‘x always happens to me this system is

Not that I expect this to apply to many people but the Switch power adapter is also perfect for the GDP Win2.

Not that I expect this to apply to many people but the Switch power adapter is also perfect for the GDP Win2.

Why not both?

Literally read this as i was downloading the Steam bundle from Stardock. So weird. Honestly I like the look of Stardock’s title but it just doesn’t feel right. That said, anything will be better than the terrible Star Control 3

I can’t agree enough on what an excellent game this is. I felt much more engaged by the storyline here than any of the other games in the franchise.

Came here expecting a lot of defense for this dude’s stupid ass choice, pleasantly surprised with the amount of justified flaming he’s getting.

Something I’ve been arguing for awhile in various 3D printing communities. 3D printing is awesome, but don’t use it as a cludge to solve every single problem when other faster, and cheaper solutions exist.

Yeah, no. No one has misconstrued anything. The fact that he parroted white supremacist talking points is a massive problem. Hell, he came dangerously close to restating the neo-nazi 14 word creed.

Seriously Kotaku, in a game built on the foundation of ‘play and beat the game however you want’, stop with the articles trying to tell me how I should be playing it.

Not sure why they bothered with this method as opposed to using a CNC machine to rapidly mill and prototype the parts. A metal sintering device is a far cry away from the desktop 3D printers most people are familiar with.

Hmmm $380 dollars or about $20 if I 3D print it. Seems like an easy choice to me.

Star Control 2 deserves a place on any reviewers list of top PC games of all times. The 3DO version reported to PC thanks to the original developers is still worth any gamers time.

So no way for those of us who own 3D printers to print the character out ourselves? That kind of sucks.

And here I am with my $25 raspberry pi, the entire line of NES titles, wireless controllers and still wondering what the fuss was about.

Wish I could get my hands in the .STL for that guy. It’d make a beautiful 3D print.

The Army rarely actively searches for AWOL soldiers. I mean why bother with the effort? They put out a warrant and just wait for them to be picked up in a traffic stop or sign up for a government program.

I wonder if there’s an .stl file for the shell out in the wild. If so I could easily use my CNC machine to carve an actual wooden case.