
As an Sicilian-Italian/Ashkenazi Jew over 30 with freckles, my only must-have is the product that reduces my glaringly obvious purple eyebags. Dermagist Eye Revolution Gel FTW!!

I am disappointed, but not surprised, at the lack of intellect/depth Bieber displays in the interview. If there’s time to learn instruments and study the Bible (not to mention a mammoth income to fund meaningful hobbies) shouldn’t there be time to expand one’s mind and evolve as a global citizen? Am I giving him too

I’m super embarrassed that I might know the answer...isn’t that Brittany Gastineau? I think she’s friends with Kim.

Exactly. No should always mean no, anywhere and anytime. It should always be as serious with dicks/vadges/butts as it is with guns and weapons.

Yep, unfortunately she was super flat and a little hoarse, especially on the high notes. I thought it was kind of endearing — she really seemed to be feeling genuine passion and sadness, and the arrangement was gorgeous.

I know i’m probably SO late to the party, but did anyone else notice that the 1D song they peformed last night at the AMAs sounds exaaaactly like “Style” by TSwift?! I was so embarrassed for Harry when he had to sing the Swift-lite chorus by himself. He was all singing it under his breath like "guys, let's just get

I feel like his defense for the collective case of douche chills we all just got from reading that sophomoric, self-indulgent piece would be “DUH, it’s IRONY, and I was puh-LAYING my alter ego, who is purposefully douchey as a metaphor for my ennui.” Michael Cera already did that better in Youth In Revolt, bro.

UuuuuuUuuUuUUgh, why does hair on one’s vadge always imply low self-esteem/lack of sex life in the movieverse?! I LOVE my 90s-style patch of bush; it makes me feel earthy and fierce. Wtf, when is this weird, sterile, prepubescent grooming vibe going to fall out of favor?!