
I have a modest talent for “improving” unwanted dickpics with photoshop so my friends always send me the ones they get. I have to say this one was my masterpiece, the guy was a legit bellend

I enjoy responding to dick pics with a picture of a scientist holding Rasputin’s penis in a glass jar of formaldehyde.

When my best friend gets unwanted dick picks she uses an app to decorate them with jewels and bows and sparkles and sometimes faces on the head and then sends them back. And to me.

“one voice forgotten to this point is Teresa Halbach.”

I just have a gut feeling that one of the other ladies was like “Come on, Betty. I know we’re doing this to make a statement but I’m also hungry. I wanted a bread stick!”

100% agreed.

There is something about watching President Obama interacting with little kids that makes me believe he is a fundamentally good human being.

Jesus, press. Get it together.

Pictured: the Olsen twins laughing

SORRY, sorry! We looked away for just a second and they vanished in a cloud of smooth jazz and pumpkin-spiced latte scent. Let me get my Uggs and I’ll be right over.

And not just your account. All of Netflix.

He’s the paid court jester. Doing his job of ribbing the celebs who are paying for his presence so that the viewer can feel that he’s sticking it to them. All while being an overweening celeb himself. A fact that some viewers, happily amused by his mean-spirited but completely contractually-agreed upon antics, will

I always cry when Emma Thompson implodes in her bedroom (with Joni Mitchell in the background), when Olivia Olson sings All I Want For Christman, and yes, during God Only Knows. Always. Every time. Sometimes I also cry during the intro, depending on my mood. Yes, I’ve seen this film probably every year since it came

Dammit, now I have a craving for some Furter Prince,

Seconded, because I’m from the US portion of North America and this is not a thing here. It has to be Canada’s fault, because what the righteous fuck - was Justin Bieber not enough, you rotten bastards?

Oh balls - like you don’t have that in the UK, home of some of the shittiest food ever produced. Scottish cuisine alone qualifies as a crime against humanity.

Maybe this happened in the Berenstein Bears universe.

Bolivian woman learns one weird trick to getting pregnant! Reproductive endocrinologists hate her!