Ms. Greer has been a valued voice, but this ongoing transphobia from fellow second-wavers is disappointing and discouraging. Move into the twenty-first century, please.
Ms. Greer has been a valued voice, but this ongoing transphobia from fellow second-wavers is disappointing and discouraging. Move into the twenty-first century, please.
Three year olds are such assholes. I was an angel when I was a child (never been grounded whattttt) but when I was three I'd insist on putting every bandaid in the house all over my body just cuz I was an asshole
That’s what my asshole daughter would do. When she sits on the naughty step, she throws shit off it or tries to rip up the carpet. There’s nothing wrong with her, other than being a 3 year old ass.
I miss those so hard
Yes, those were my favorite. Like, “quirky emotional foreign language romantic comedies featuring a strong female lead.” I feel like Netflix has gotten less descriptive, although I just checked my page and “fight-the-system movies” is category.
remember how weirdly specific they used to get with the recommendations?
Oh no shit. Doesn’t really surprise me.
Ahhhhh there it is. Was just scrolling and waiting for someone to compare parents to pet owners. That never fails to destroy my day.
Solidarity!!! Do you have tinted windows? I’m sure that helps the cause.
And why the hell did we decide that the best way to raise kids is to be on top of them ALL THE TIME. My mom may not have had a smart phone, but starting at 6 or so she kicked me out of the house for the day on the regs. And before that I <gasp> played by myself with my toys.
I will not see this either, but I’d totally see a movie about your dad, talking about ice cream with Mohammed Ali and meeting the guy who walked across Niagara Falls and what I imagine are many more adventures.
I love that your basis for going to see a movie is whether your dad has previously met the lead character.
Same! Get away from the edge of the damn trail, everyone hiking in the Pac NW. Just 6 inches back, FFS.
I don’t regularly blot my pizza, mostly because I’m not usually eating greasy pizza, but if I’m in front of a slice of pepperoni pizza that has large pools of grease in the cupped embrace of the pepperoni, I might blot, if only to prevent spilling orange grease on my tits.
Fuck it, I don’t want a mouth full of grease/oil. That’s why I blot that bad boy, not because I want to delude myself into beleiving I’m some how saving myself calories.
I’m so glad that people who engage in important pursuits like professionally announcing a playground game are here to protect us from the scourge of self-photography.