
I love that you try and defend our honor, but Ari, seriously, this site is overrun by people who distrust medicine. I can occasionally muster a sarcastic retort, but I just CAN'T EVEN.

I'm about 10 weeks from giving birth. Baby is very much wanted, and planned. I'm ready for this but it's been financially and physically taxing. No one should ever, EVER, have to go through this if they are not ready and able to do so!! How awful for the mother, and the child. I wish we could do away with unwanted

Every last one of my close friends who have kids are even more pro-choice now than they were before. They know better than anyone that pregnancy, delivery and the 18 years (minimum) of child rearing that follow is all hard work and they wouldn't wish it forced on anyone who can't or doesn't want to do it. I can

I genuinely love the fact that in the UK, "Simple as." is a perfectly reasonable, logical sentence all on its own.

But then our military couldn't be as big as the next eleventy-largest militaries in the world combined, and then how would everybody know how tough and cool and badass we are?!

Two Jacksons, a Jack, a Liam, an Ethan, a Lily, and an Olivia have been born to friends of mine in the past three years. The Jacksons will DEFINITELY be Republicans. Most definitely. Good call.

Again Mark? My therapist is wondering what kind of sites you go to, and how you somehow have managed not to end up on a FBI No-Fly list.

You know, maybe there's a time for expressing idea with cute image macros, and maybe there's times there aren't. Especially when using one from a show that has a problematic track record when it comes to killing off female characters.

Women can't win. If we stay silent about our harassment/abuse, people will blame us for not saying anything. If we DON'T stay silent, we're still condemned or worse, killed. When are people finally going to understand that WE are not responsible for the actions of men? This man was so insulted that a woman would

How can phones be real if our eyes aren't real.

To be fair though it's still a step above being way to into Hemmingway.

Whoa this is bringing me right back to some real-deal kindergarten drama. Two of my friends both got one for Christmas....but Friend 1's Puppy Surprise had 5 puppies, and Friend 2's only had 3. The fact that I can remember the disappointment that registered on Friend 2's face on the first day back to school, nearly 22

People have asked me why I don't theme these posts, and all I can say: could you theme a rainbow, or the passage of time? I have no fucking idea, but I wouldn't be surprised at this point to see a Yelper actually ask that question.

Now Now - I'm 55 and I can tell you it's generally longer than 2 slides - usually gets a reaction, and is seldom problematic.

I will own this film on DVD. And it only has 30% to do with the fact that Allison Janney is a hero

I have a number of friends who've worked in mental hospitals, and a couple who've been in them.

In what way are the Qunari Viking-like? They invade other nations, but don't raid, which seems like the only parallel. Is it because they have horns and...Vikings.....kinda-had-horns-on-helmets-but-not-really? I'm confused.

While I very much sympathize with the devastation of losing a much loved pet, this is exactly what I think of when I see these sums of money. And it makes me nauseous.

Okay, here's a short list of what I want from stores regarding Thanksgiving/Black Friday sales.

But she and all her rich, educated friends have no sense of work/life balance, so clearly none of us should complain!