
Mark, you are killing it on your first day. This is the beginning of something beautiful. I just know it.

yes, of course!! Of course!!

As a card carrying member of the member carrying clan.... ITS NOT MY BODY! ITS NOT MY CHOICE!!! What is so freaking difficult to understand... And lastly...

I'm pretty sure they made him wear prosthetic teeth, and maybe shit in his cheeks to make him look goofier, or at least they had to do it eventually. The kid who played Dudley Dursley also lost so much weight over the years that they almost re-cast the part, but instead opted to wrap him up in padding too.

Christ, I hate that thing so much.

I believe that's, "Assistant TO the lead vocalist"

Is it really? Because of the blood flow increase? That's actually pretty cool. :)

Charlie, I love that you chose to post an example of familial love instead of romantic love. Not there's anything wrong with romantic love but people sometimes forget there are other kinds when it comes to popular culture.

I really wish someone (on any end of the political spectrum) would launch a test case by trying to implement a "married men only" stipulation for Viagra coverage.

I just unexpectedly found out I was pregnant, and sifting through possible names has been one of the better distractions.

Enjoy it! Enjoy it on behalf of all of us who haven't made it yet, you owe that much to us. #foreveragrey

Medical anomalies+embarrassing stories+poorly acted and produced reenactments=Jenny's wheelhouse

I'm down with the Rock-A-Doodle.

Would have preferred to see Miley styled like Rooster from Annie.

If this happened between my parents and my kids I actually would feel worse for my parents. It sucks to accidentally disappoint a kid when you thought you were getting them something they wanted! And I don't blame them for not knowing about everything that my kids like. I know wayyyyy too much about kid crap, but as

She played a wonderful character in a wonderful movie!!! This is my granddaughter watching it! I have a similar one of her mother when she was that age!

You guys, I like fetuses. I do. I've even loved two personally. But this all made me want to vomit blood.

I am shocked that this hasn't been posted. Everything you ever needed to know about