
Oh wow, I get these ALL THE TIME. Mundane, brief moments that are very, very "real" feeling. They typically happen a few weeks later. This has happened to me dozens of times. And then I get a moment of startling realization. "Oh! Oh. I remember this now." It always plays out in an identical manner. I can't explain why

It's just so convenient! I mean sometimes I just leave it there for good so I don't sit down the wrong way and feel that errant tug on the string as it's trapped between my thigh and a seat, which is such a gross feeling.

Yeah, how the fuck do you get really good and clean down there when standing? Or do you have to kind of hover, which then...why not just sit down? I am so confused.

I HATE when that happens!

Or just tuck the string up into the folds of your vulva for that two minutes, idk. Seems like a waste of a tampon!

Even if you want kids very badly and you are a good parent, being a SAHP still sucks sometimes. Just like even people in their dream jobs have complaints and struggles.

I really didn't think it was as terrible as everyone made it out to be. No, it wasn't as "pretty", and it was very clearly rushed, but I loved a lot of the characters and the "I'm just part of something much, much bigger and much more uncontrollable than me" aspect. I think so many people are used to being Commander

My female friends and I all play video games avidly as one of our primary hobbies (we also all read comics to varying degrees), and we also happen to be feminists who do criticize certain shitty elements of the games we love (and the games we don't love). And trust me, we're not rare. You just won't see on us on most

Who shits when they sneeze?! Jesus H. Christ.

As someone who's had a fuckton of vaginal ultrasounds (where your bladder needs to be as empty as possible), I can assure you that it's actually pretty difficult to completely empty your bladder.

Pfft, do you know how much water I save in a month peeing in the shower every morning? Water is expensive!

A CRUST?!!!! What in the hell kind of pee did your brothers have? My house has two adults peeing in the shower every day and three little children who pee in the same tub sporadically on a regular basis...there is no smell and no crust. What in the fuck. But I clean the bathroom regularly? And use daily shower spray?

Can we get some of those for, like, all the time please? Apple shaped ladies really suffer in the jeans department. If they fit in my waist they're clown pants on the rest of me. I would like some discreet stretchy cotton panels thanks.

Hahaha, the night of my induction was February 14th with my first. We went out with friends to have a little pre-baby celebration and the waitress kept badgering me about cocktails for like five minutes while I glanced meaningfully down at my gigantic, obvious baby bump and the whole table stared at her incredulously.

I think it's just the lighting cast on her.

Yeeeah if you have a laughable pain tolerance, an epidural is probably your best bet. My first c-section recovery was a breeze. My second c-section, twins plus a toddler plus a husband who all had norovirus...oh, and our extended family had it too, so I had no help. Recovery was horrible. There's no guarantee against

C-sections are absolutely safer for many of the things she just listed. Got a transverse-positioned baby before the advent of the c-section? Welp, fuck. You're pretty much dead. Have severe preeclampsia and the baby is taking a long time to get out? Hope you don't have a horrible seizure that causes brain damage.

C-sections are getting safer all the time with improved techniques, which means that doctors are probably more likely to weigh them favorably against vaginal birth for certain situations that they wouldn't have in the 1960s.

I'm so relieved Claudia was number one. You saved me a disgusted and disbelieving scoff.

Ha, I was just thinking the same! She's wonderful.