
Ooh, good point. I will do some searching. I'm sure support from otehr parents will be invaluable, especially since they will know all the good tricks and tips.

I was reading that there is a new pump available for children as young as 2. I've found out through this whole ordeal that the insurance we pay a lot of money for every month is amazing. We have not had to pay for one thing out of pocket yet. I am so, so grateful for that and I realize it's a huge hurdle for a lot of

Does anyone parent a child with Type 1 diabetes? My son is newly-diagnosed. We just got back from almost a week in the hospital with a staph blood infection and severe DKA (his blood pH was 6.78 when we arrived in the ER, that was some terrifying shit and I can't believe he's alive, but I am so grateful he is).

Thanks so much for your sweet comment. This comment was from a few weeks after having my first child, and now he's 2.5 and we have 5-month-old twins as well, haha. We figured it out. Also having a live-in maid sounds AMAZING and I'm happy for you, genuinely. Everyone should have a full-time maid! ;)

What is it about the fucking Winter Soldier GODDAMN. I was like raring to go after I got home from that movie, fuck. I'm so not typically into "bad boys" or the whole dark and broody schtick so I have no idea why that character has that effect on me, hfff. I do like the hair. A lot. Mr. Water used to have hair that

YES. Friends in solidarity. Anything aimed towards "mommies", really, makes me want to strangle myself with my own hands. Facebook shared pictures about "mother's love", memes about how you love your children more because your house is a fucking wreck, etc. Hey, my house is a fucking wreck sometimes too and that's

Any sort of parenting-related parody music video makes me want to gag. In fact any video where parents are acting waaaay too fucking "cute" (that "Frozen" lip sync duet comes to mind) gives me bad shivers. I was actually ranting about this in my own head last night, so this story is very prescient.

I truly can't comprehend the whole height thing. I never understood it, though I took advantage of it by dating lots of awesome men who were shorter than average (and shorter than me).

Um, freckles are and always have been the prettiest goddamn feature ever and if you have them I hate you because I'm extremely envious. I make all my video game characters with freckles whenever possible. Freckles are awesome.

The doctor came in to chat about my ultrasound images during my last pregnancy and was paging through them in the computer. He stopped at one and started cracking up. "That wouldn't be your baby flipping us off, would it?" Sure enough... I'm sad I don't have a copy. :(

Here a thing: You have an excellent point.

Excuse you, it's "here a thing".

I don't think you have to keep your legs completely closed to keep yourself in your space, generally. I like to sit with my legs slightly apart but I can still keep from invading someone else's seat.

What of the whole "wide stance" Larry Craig debacle then? Eh? Eh?

I think you are vastly overestimating these people.

So sorry for your/the community's loss. :( Sucks to lose one of the good ones.

Also her mom sounds like she went to the Courtney Stodden Sr. school of parenting.

Yes yes yes, a thousand times yes. I'd spend the first six weeks alternating between my summer clothes (because I lived in a desert-y area and it was fucking hot until mid-October at least) and going goddammit, I'm going to wear my awesome new clothes if it gives me heat stroke.

My mom is pretty tech savvy but she still doesn't "get" some parts of IM. So she'll message me on gchat and I'll be up changing a diaper or playing with a child or whatever and she's like hey look at this link. Hello? HELLO? Where are you??????!!!

I was reading an interview with James Gunn (can't remember who interviewed him) and he said that he strongly considered using "Momma Told Me Not to Come" and I'm a little bit sad he didn't, although Moonage Daydream was a good choice.