
Any sort of parenting-related parody music video makes me want to gag. In fact any video where parents are acting waaaay too fucking "cute" (that "Frozen" lip sync duet comes to mind) gives me bad shivers. I was actually ranting about this in my own head last night, so this story is very prescient.

I truly can't comprehend the whole height thing. I never understood it, though I took advantage of it by dating lots of awesome men who were shorter than average (and shorter than me).

Um, freckles are and always have been the prettiest goddamn feature ever and if you have them I hate you because I'm extremely envious. I make all my video game characters with freckles whenever possible. Freckles are awesome.

The doctor came in to chat about my ultrasound images during my last pregnancy and was paging through them in the computer. He stopped at one and started cracking up. "That wouldn't be your baby flipping us off, would it?" Sure enough... I'm sad I don't have a copy. :(

Here a thing: You have an excellent point.

Excuse you, it's "here a thing".

I don't think you have to keep your legs completely closed to keep yourself in your space, generally. I like to sit with my legs slightly apart but I can still keep from invading someone else's seat.

What of the whole "wide stance" Larry Craig debacle then? Eh? Eh?

I think you are vastly overestimating these people.

So sorry for your/the community's loss. :( Sucks to lose one of the good ones.

Also her mom sounds like she went to the Courtney Stodden Sr. school of parenting.

Yes yes yes, a thousand times yes. I'd spend the first six weeks alternating between my summer clothes (because I lived in a desert-y area and it was fucking hot until mid-October at least) and going goddammit, I'm going to wear my awesome new clothes if it gives me heat stroke.

My mom is pretty tech savvy but she still doesn't "get" some parts of IM. So she'll message me on gchat and I'll be up changing a diaper or playing with a child or whatever and she's like hey look at this link. Hello? HELLO? Where are you??????!!!

Yeeep. I've been wearing men's Degree off and on since my teenage days and I've since switched back to it, because while Dove makes my armpits slightly "prettier", it's so not worth it.

You don't typically have to handwash and sterilize cloth diapers. There are lots of other reasons that cloth diapers don't work for a lot of low income families but that's not among them. Not a big deal, just wanted to clarify.

Not everyone is able to get to Target/Walmart/Costco to buy cheap diapers, to start. A lot of people in difficult financial situations are doing their shopping at smaller convenience-style stores, which are the only places they can access easily in the very small amount of "free" time they have.

That's not typical cloth diaper care anymore. Most people shake off the worst of the poop in the toilet and then drop the whole thing into a big plastic-lined, zippered bag (… or the like). Nevertheless it's still more work than disposables that you can just dump in a giant

That's not something I can undertake right now but I really hope someone else does! That's a good idea.

Almost wish we could send this guy some flowers or something. Wow. :(

There are lots of "zoos" (read: private ownership breeding facilities, basically) that will do stuff like mall tours with extremely young big cat cubs. The cubs are forced to be awake for several hours a day, contrary to their health/developmental needs, they're separated from their mothers way too young, and many of