
But they were 4 and 8. Barring any sort of developmental/mental challenges, there's no reason they couldn't just follow mom out to the car and stand there for 90 seconds. Or let the 8-year-old sit with the 4-year-old for a second if the car is right outside.

I'm a SAHM and if I'm not able to occasionally go out with the kids (which might possibly include lunch somewhere or something), I'm going to go fucking crazy. That said, changing diapers, especially poop diapers, right out in the middle of a restaurant is a big fat NO.

The floor of the bathroom? Her van? Two options existed right off the top of my head here. Unless this women had a physical disability of some kind, was there a reason she couldn't just kneel on the floor with the changing pad? Or if not, why can't she just go out to her vehicle? I don't get it.

It's utter bullshit. I frequently do end up changing the diapers when we're out as a family unless we know the establishment has a changing table in the men's room. It sucks. Mr. Water has never once complained about changing diapers and he thinks it's bullshit too.

The most irritating part is that she HAD a changing pad. Obviously putting your baby down on the floor with just a thin changing pad is not the most fun thing ever but it's probably 1.5 minutes of one's life.

I have a 2.5-year-old and 2 4 month olds. And I've never changed a diaper in a place that wasn't the bathroom or my car. We've been on multiple car trips this summer. There's just no reason. If her minivan was right outside she could have left her two eldest to sit and wait quietly for, what, 2 minutes?

My parents had a really bad episode of moths in their pantry as a child and so now I'm constantly freezing stuff in paranoia. I always freeze flour. Ugh.

I did a wedding on the cheap with 30 people present, bought a bunch of local flowers, homemade food (THAT one I wouldn't do again...chopping veggies at 11 PM the night before my wedding was not fun, a restaurant sounds fab), and I hired a really great jazz guitarist to do the ceremony music and then play during the

I have two little boys and once the eldest one enters, what, fifth or sixth grade, I'm just going to buy the jumbo pack of tissues from Costco and supply a large, lined garbage can in their bedrooms, no questions asked. 'Cause seriously, if they start cumming in socks I am taking the cost of new socks out of their

So it's NOT just me....

Yep, I'm 28 and still afraid of the dark. I don't think it will ever go away after having such intense, scary sleep issues for basically all of my child/teenagerhood! I don't know what I'll do when my kids start getting old enough to be afraid of the dark. I've already plugged nightlights into a ton of our hallway

Once you know what it is you can sort of rationalize it after the fact, but during? Even knowing that it's "not real", it's still terrifying. But that's just me personally. I had chronic night terrors/sleep paralysis (I believe they are closely related) from 18 months to about 21 years and I never got used to it

Every year I swear to my husband and myself that I WON'T read the stories. Then I do, and spend the next few months dashing through any dark hallway with my heart pounding in my ears and the covers tightly pulled up to my neck in bed, because I'm a dumb ass.

Demand for CP is exactly what fuels the horrific sexual abuse inherent in creating these images.

Yes, it happens around 10 weeks.

I would guess she's probably 3.5-4 which is usually around the time kids start grasping the idea of mortality. This isn't as unusual as you might think.

Ahh that makes sense, whoops. :)

She's really wonderful on it, too. Very talented young actress.

I pushed for it big time while pregnant! I loved it before the show started and I love it even more now that it's attached to an adorable young lady. Mr. Water wasn't keen on it, alas.

Now playing

He's voice acting in a new game coming out that I have been really excited about...I may have watched this 3 or 4 times because...uh...reasons. (The silver in his beard stubble omg.)