
I never understood how my exhausted parents (six kids) could stay up until midnight until I had kids of my own. I might be tired as hell but I must have my free time dammit. Now that I've got three under three I go to bed later than before. Yuck.

I totally feel you here. I am pretty much unable to nap except for extreme exhaustion, and then I feel like shit afterwards. The only times I've been able to nap happily

The problem with that logic is that lots of babies hate being covered up around their faces. They'll whine, scream, pull it away, etc. And really, I wouldn't want to eat with a blanket over my head, so I get it.

Are you incontinent?

I brought my young baby to his auntie's graduation ceremony and he didn't make a peep. The biggest distraction was chattering, rude adults, which is typical of my experience. Also graduation ceremonies are family thing, not an 8 PM black tie event.

Get out of my head! Same thought as I looked through the suggestions.

YOUR LIPS TO MARVEL'S EARS holy shit how did I not think of that.

Not to mention that they are 18! Fuck's sake. At 18 a lot of kids (or, technically, young adults) are working, driving, heading off to college, living away from home, etc. Are their parents supposed to be hovering over them at all times until the day they graduate or what?

I do appreciate you sharing your perspective on rejection, but in this case you're actually barking up the wrong tree since I've been the "pursuer" in 90% of my romantic relationships despite being a woman (and most of those people were men, with a few women in there). I've been rejected plenty in my life by people

It's very confusing. It's like he assumed he'd be rejected so he didn't even try. I'm sure as he descended deeper into this misogynistic weirdness, he gave off major creep vibes and it all became even more of a self-fulfilling prophecy I'm guessing.

The stupidest part is that this guy wasn't even getting rejected, from what I understand. He was angry that women weren't throwing themselves at him. He didn't mention anything about pursuing any women he was attracted to - apparently they were supposed to just telepathically get it.

Yeah not even approaching the "slightly uncomfortable" level for me. Something is fishy here.

First one - I was unbelievably exhausted and just a gut feeling.

I'm so glad I'm not alone. If I don't wear a pantiliner (which I generally don't), my jeans have crotch smell at the end of one day. I shower every single day and keep my lady bits perfectly clean, but I, too, am "juicy" and can't change that.

Literally all my sex dreams starring a man are about either my husband or Peter Dinklage (sorry, dear). NNNGH Peter Dinklage. A++ on the list.

I have to admit I miss the butterfly clips. I could maybe live without doing the little rows of twists, though.

Mo/mo twins are terrifying like that. :( I was in an online group for women pregnant with twins who were all due at the same time, and the group member who had mo/mo twins had a horrible loss. So heartbreaking. Thank goodness it's relatively rare.

I have fraternal twins and they just accidentally smack each other a lot. Sometimes they occasionally stare at each other like "Who the fuck is this?"

My college bf's best friend was colorblind and he very safely, legally drove me home on several occasions. He just knew the light order. :)

I feel like it started with these confessional mommy blogs mostly. Now it's really cool to talk about how much you dislike your children. It makes me heartsick. Bitch to your friend on the phone and move on; seek professional help if you're consistently miserable. Be a fucking adult.