
Jetpacking (the smaller/shorter person as the big spoon) is absolutely the best cuddle position of all time.

I lived in New York state in the early 2000s and ate a toffee Symphony bar about once a week, usually procured at the college bookstore. Ah, work study money.

Chocolate ice cream, especially Ben and Jerry's chocolate, is horrific. I love chocolate chips, chunks, etc, but actual chocolate ice cream is overwhelming and bitter and ugh no.

I'm embarrassed to admit that I pretty much have no local female friends. :( I REALLY need to work on that for a number of reasons...

Oh trust me, you're preaching to the choir there. ;) I sleep trained my first at five months and haven't regretted it for a moment...I keep thinking how grateful I am that he nearly always sleeps through the night for twelve hours, or I'd be even more of a wreck. I got spoiled by him because he was sleeping through

Yeah, I need to be more insistent. Problem is my husband's gran got hospitalized, so his mom has been dealing with that and over there all the time. And then his brother got sick with norovirus...and my other mothers-in-law, well one of them put off knee surgery until she just couldn't anymore, and it lined up with

She's coming in about a week. We'd planned it that way since I had so much help lined up the first couple weeks, ha. I'm needing/wanting her like crazy right now. :/

Yeah I think what you had was close enough that you get the general gist. Thank you for sharing your experiences, seriously. I need to tell myself it's okay to just cry and be overwhelmed sometimes!

I just had twins about two weeks ago, and holy shit. They are wonderful and I'm so in love with them, but they are waking up very two hours at night, then it takes them about forty minutes to finish a bottle, get changed, and fall back asleep. I really hope it gets better. I can barely function. I had help and backup

I was really, really skeptical when they first announced that Ray Romano would be on the show. However, he's totally blown me away with his acting and the character's storylines (basically a romantic storyline with one of the main characters, branching out into the slow discovery that he's on the ASD spectrum and how

Completely off topic from the cheating matter, but i feel so relieved to know I'm not the only person to have horrible pregnancy dreams about getting totally soused by accident.

Thank you so much for all the information! Are you an anesthesiologist? Real question, I have great respect for that work.

Yes, exactly. I'm much more aware of what I'm touching during food prep when I DON'T use gloves. It's easier to forget when using them.

Ahh, thanks for clarifying! I've only ever had novocaine so I'm not wise to the ways of other kinds of sedation. But yeah, general anesthesia without the benefit of hospital staff and equipment is terrifying. Never never never. Perfectly healthy young people can have a bad reaction in no time. Obviously it's rare, but

Excuse me, I raise angora goats on organic alfalfa and knit those Irish fisherman sweaters from their soft, soft wool. Then I barter them for artisan lavender honey.

Full anesthesia is much riskier, yes. I will never be put out for a dental procedure after reading stuff like this. The risk just isn't worth it. If it was jaw reconstruction or something that would be one thing, but for wisdom teeth? Hell no. This poor woman.

I don't understand that mentality at all. When I was pregnant I couldn't wait to see all the new interests and hobbies this child would introduce me to as he grew.

I had a friend who definitely experienced some changes in his sex drive and aggressive feelings when he started taking T to transition. However, exactly as you stated, he did not actually become some kind of crazed rapist. Instead, he adjusted to the new normal after a time (six months or so IIRC). So, y'know, anyone

Yes, thank you! I am addicted to the steamer bags for frozen vegetables. They really make awesome-tasting, perfectly-cooked veggies. I just add small amounts of butter, salt, and pepper and I have warm veggies to go with dinner. Or just to devour on their own.

As much as I love toaster ovens, they can't handle those cool microwave steamer bags for frozen veggies. Those things are delicious and keep my hate-to-cook self eating healthy veggies on a regular basis.