
I tell people occasionally that it's actually better to take Vicodin during a pregnancy migraine than ibuprofen...pregnancy drug interactions are so weird, aren't they?

Well if it's any reassurance I ate pounds upon pounds of them the first time, and now my almost two-year-old begs for them at least once a day. Oh darn. I always have a giant Costco can in my fridge. Way cleaner to deal with than crackers or Cheerios when we are out and about.

Just prepare yourself now to ignore it. There are things that have VERY clear negative health effects - drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, PERHAPS a large amount of mercury-containing fish (that one is still pretty debatable imo). And obviously you want to avoid listeria if you can, but there are easy ways to avoid the worst

I'm sorry but that's just not true unless she was downing like 5 cups of coffee a day, and then MAYBE. You better believe I use up my 200-250 mg caffeine/day because multiple studies support that as a very safe option. Was this actually verified by anyone, or is it just what she says?

Nuts are like such a great food for pregnant people in terms of content, especially when you're having meat aversions, hello. Nuts are fucking awesome and I will not accept any slander against them goddammit.

Whoops, I've been shoveling almonds into my mouth going on 1.5 pregnancies now...and sometimes cashews and sometimes trail mix with peanuts in it. Mm, protein and fat and folic acid and iron - pardon me but I thought that was exactly what growing babies needed (and my cravings certainly tell me I need'em). Someone

My little sister has a December 31st birthday, so my parents took to celebrating it around "Conception Day" (kinda gross but I think it's a good idea overall). She was none the wiser until she turned five and a Sunday school teacher accidentally spilled the beans. Whoops.

Your mom sounds like she has some mental health issues. No, you are not terrible at all.

Thank you. I'm very excited, scared, and happy. ;)

I was always extremely mortified at people doing that when I got engaged.

Yeah, it can be hard to do it with one. I have twins on the way and I'm worried about keeping up with this kind of thing. Never ending list indeed.

Well my toddler is obsessed with my vacuum, but I prefer he not play with it on a regular basis.

What is it about toddlers and cleaning? My son always wants to clean off the dinner table with a hot, soapy dishrag (and I let him, because why the heck not?), he has a Minnie Mouse toy vacuum that he's obsessed with, he loves pulling around the real vacuum, he takes great joy in putting things in his laundry basket,

Garfield's jazz band has also won multiple national awards, I believe.

Yeah, I think the general medical wisdom now is that episiotomy is generally supposed to be employed when there's some urgency involved, like needing to get tools up there, sometimes if there's a shoulder dystocia and they need to fit their hands up there to free the baby, etc. It seems like their regular use is

That was me. "HAHAHA ohhh fucking hell I'm going to have three teenagers at one time."

I spontaneously bought some tickets to a show of his having no idea what to expect. OMG! I haven't laughed that hard many times in my life.

With the popularity of baby wearing and attachment parenting concepts as well as an increase in thoughtfulness about the way babies are fed, I have some serious doubts about babies spending more time in baby gear than they did twenty years ago.

What is wrong with people? I'd be like oh shit, oh my god, thank you much because that could have been really scary! Which is the only fucking acceptable response. Smh.