
Did you see the fun comments from CarrieUnderwoodFan when some people on here were poking fun at it? Oh boy. So great.

Ginny is my top contender for a Guinevere nickname, if I end up using it. I'm not terribly fond of Gwen (another hangup with that name), but I absolutely adore Ginny.

What I said is that if you're (general you) getting rejected this often and you don't understand why and it's obviously making you angry, as in the case of the guy quoted in the story, then you need to reevaluate how you are reading people.

I really don't understand what you're trying to say except to imply that you've been led on at some point in your life, which is true of pretty much every adult I know. I didn't say it never happens. It's happened to me on more than one occasion!

Oh trust me, I don't think it's indicative of all men in any way. This dude sounds like he has his own personal set of problems. I have a lot of male friends and I'm happily married to a man and I've never seen any of them behave like this. Other dudes in my more peripheral acquaintance? Yeah.

I dunno, I met my husband on a city bus...I mean I was less hitting on him than striking up a conversation and batting my eyelashes a little more then usual, but still.

Yeah, I definitely have love for some Gaelic names (and I only like them in the original spelling) that are just a huge unpronounceable jumble to most Americans, so...I've learned to give up sometimes. I don't want to burden her with a vexing name. That's not fun. I love some other "weird" names too, so I definitely

I really, truly don't understand it. I've been rejected a bazillion times in my life (and I was always a person to put myself out there. I've never bought that "man makes the first move" BS). Life goes on. If getting rejected never gets any easier after thirty women, you maybe have some serious emotional problems that

I didn't realize there was a racial component either. I do like Genevieve as well, but for me it lacks a certain je ne sais quoi. I'm kind if loving Rosalind lately - still romantic and cool, perhaps not quite as burdensome. My son has a Scottish name and the other twin will have a Scottish name as well so it's not

As someone who grew up with a boyish name, I'm really not a fan. My name has become more unisex over time, and yet I still get people saying, "oh...I thought you'd be a man."

That's great input, actually. I grew up with a "boy" name (it would be considered more unisex now) and a last name that needed to be spelled...and now I have a new last name that people seem to have trouble spelling as well. Good for thought.

It's all I can do to hold it in. I wouldn't blame you. What's the next popular name? Huntington?

Real talk, since it's slightly relevant. I'm expecting twins and one is a girl. I'm strongly considering Guinevere but it's not a locked in choice. Is it just horrible? I can't discern between cool and romantic or just tacky with pregnant brain.

Yeah if it's anywhere in the top 100 it's probably in the danger zone for a popularity explosion.

This is a pretty definitive list for me as well. Certain endings become trendy and I ramp up from indifference to loathing in no time.

They're both horrible, but at least the Madison wave has passed. I really do not understand the attraction to this particular sound.

Aidan (and all those horrible iterations), Mason, Olivia, JACKSON/JAXON/JAXXON. Fuck me, if I see one more baby named Jaxon in the next couple years I may have a meltdown. Oh, and fucking Addison. ADDISON. It's a DISEASE. There's nothing even remotely charming or musical about it. Also anything that sounds like

Much sushi, many self-conscious. Wow.

Which studies? How many people have actually gone vegan because of PETA's ridiculous tactics?

If I was a goddess is definitely be making everything perfectly symmetrical. I mean why not? ;)