
Oh my god, gender reveal parties. My mom and I spent like half an hour on the phone last night mocking them and deriding them. So narcissistic and gross. Also YOU'RE NOT REVEALING THEI GENDER, FUCKSTICKS.

Well for some of us idiots it requires thousands of dollars and months/years of heartache, which some indicated in other comments was the case for this couple, so...

I found this video terribly corny and really not my favorite, and I get people are sick of constant pregnant people updates (I'm pregnant and I am too!), but the whole OH MY GAWD why make a big deal ugh attitude about pregnancy announcements is facepalm-inducing. Uh, because they're bringing a new human being into the

Yeah, the positive interactions I had with him 90% of the time involved sweet treats. Let me tell you how that's working out for me! Super well as you can imagine! It's something I battle all the fucking time.

Oh gosh that stuff is hilarious. If you can't fuck with your kids in innocent, non-damaging ways, then what's even the point?

Little sis? Is that you? (Seriously, I struggle not to immediately finish whatever dessert might be in the house even now that my dad is long gone. I feel you!)

Bahaha. My brother (10 years older than me, so he seemed very authoritative to little ol' me), used to tell me that my parents found me in a dumpster. Somehow I believed this despite the fact that I was practically my mom's little clone. I think some people are just more naturally gullible than others perhaps.

The little brother copying the big brother kills me. So cute.

No, but there are considerably less shitty ways than others. Making them feel like shit for being alive ain't one of'em. Having grown up pretty poor myself I do get where you're coming from, probably didn't help the situation knowing my parents really were struggling. *shrug*

Yeah, my dad treated me like that for the large majority of my childhood. Lorded fucking everything over me and made me feel guilty for existing and requiring food and shelter despite the fact that I got my first job at age 12 and laid for as much of my own stuff as possible. He also punished me for the most

You too. Thank you! Congrats on your newish baby too. 4 months old is one of my faves.

Oh, no, I completely understand where you're coming from. I agree with you completely. Just wanted to make that clear, is all. I think it's disgusting that people look down their nose at those of us who have a harder time of it. I appreciate you speaking up.

Eh, you would be surprised how easy it is to replace.

I broke down and got one because I bought a 91-year-old house and the thermostat used FREAKING MERCURY to assess the temperature and was generally horrible. (I'd have to turn it down to 50 to get it to stop heating...but then I'd be freezing all night. No good.) I didn't want one of those horrible digital ones like in

Haha! Well I'm pregnant with twins so I'm actually enjoying it colder like Mr. Water prefers for the most part. Once that ends my love affair with the Nest may too...We'll see.

I am so sorry that I came off as insensitive to women who have been through pregnancy losses. I haven't had losses but I have struggled through infertility, so I absolutely have compassion for you and other people who have been through that. I'm sincerely sorry for your losses.

You know why I criticize her choice to have so many children? Because she does not choose to parent them anymore. She traps her teenaged/adult daughters into the role. That's bullshit and it makes me very angry. Where is their choice in this?

She had a miscarriage around twenty weeks. Not what anyone would call early. Which makes it more disturbing, because those kind of second trimester losses are a sign of something going seriously wrong.

At the risk of sounding like a nerdish sycophant, I fucking LOVE my Nest. Holy shit. Love it. SO much.

It actually means how many weeks out you are from conception, but that is confusing and nonsensical.