
On a totally shallow note, they sure picked some pretty people for this project. And I'm 1000% jealous of everyone with freckles.

I feel weird because I'm scared of everything ever but that wasn't particularly scary to me. Huh. Fear seems to be just as subjective as humor, which is really interesting to me.

Now that I completely understand, haha. I never watch teenager ones because, just, no. But some of the adults are definitely...offbeat. It's actually something I enjoy about the videos, but I also feel a little self-conscious and silly at times when I watch them.

Me too. I guffawed out loud. I don't know why it tickled my funny bone so much, but omg.

Lol...I always worry I'll die unexpectedly and some family member will get access to my YouTube channel only to find I'm addicted to bizarre videos of people whispering about folding towels and rubbing their nails across purses, etc...

Everyone has different triggers - lots of people don't like the whisper videos and prefer stuff more like this video (like rrcherrypie's channel, which is chock full of this stuff) or, like you mentioned, certain types of music.

No, that's what I get too. I heard a woman on NPR describe it was a glittery snowglobe in the back of her head and I felt that was much more apt. I don't get any sort of peaks with ASMR stuff, just certain things that bring out amazing tinglies.

Eh, I don't think it's a dumb fad. I think people finally started identifying it and everyone else had the same response you (and I) had, which is, "Whoa, other people experience this too!" and then there's this sort of explosion of awareness with news stories, trigger videos, etc. Considering I devour trigger videos

Yeah, I think most people don't experience them? Maybe like 25% of the population would be my best guess.

It was a pleasant surprise! Something about spoons stirring in glasses makes my tingles go nuts. The human brain is so weird and delightful.

At least oatmeal has some redeeming qualities. You're a stronger person than me! I can't believe baked goods don't haunt your dreams or something. ;)

Welllll not to be a killjoy, but flavored instant oatmeal has a fuckton of sugar in it. But seriously Coke Zero, why is it so good.

Holy ASMR, Batman. (The whole idea of butt pudding is hilarious, too. I couldn't stop laughing for some reason when they turned the mold over to plop the forms out.)

Okay, I'm so glad I'm not the only one. It seems like I'm always hearing about the best songs to fuck to, etc. It's so distracting!

Or better yet, making RISUG a thing.

Never. Nope. I've definitely not done that at any point.

I sniff the fuck out of my husband at least once a week when he's not paying attention. It's disgusting and I can't stop because he smells so fucking good. I think it must be connected because I get similar lovey feelings that I get when I smell my toddler. Obviously they're quite different in some ways, but that

I'unno, a clean baby has a sweet, soft, slightly earthy scent. It's like that awesome smell of warm skin (of someone you love or are attracted to) dialed up to 11.

I always wanted to nibble my son's incredibly soft cheeks...I never did because it seemed a little gross, but the urge was there sometimes. We can be weirdo moms together.

I really wouldn't be surprised if just being around a baby on a regular basis triggers hormonal changes in people.