

Idk, his voice is great but I like the whole package. He's a big guy and looks like he has warm, capable hands. Not that I've thought about this.

I want Charlotte to be my bff. She is funny, has a soothing voice, and has excellent taste in eyeshadow.

Maybe I'm just unobservant, but did we ever learn what the "indiscretion" actually consisted of? I kept waiting for that to be revealed. Was it fully a fiction made up by Caroline or what?

Whoa, I see the resemblance now! I kept wondering who she reminded me of...

Does...this person on Tumblr not understand how acting and the general gist of the LBD work? Also, WHO slut-shamed Lydia when the video thing went down? We've seen Lizzie's problematic attitudes about Lydia in the past (which she's copped to and realize her mistakes at this point), but no one has slut-shamed her about

Ahh! I was so excited to see her. She's kind of grating in LBD (which...she's supposed to be, obviously!), so it's nice to see her in something else.

GAH thank you! That man was DELICIOUS. I believe his butt MUST be the original inspiration for the phrase "dat ass", because really...oh lord. He's like my only male celebrity crush.

Well I wrote three paragraphs. In the third paragraph I state that there's no perinatal mortality rate comparison anywhere in the paper. I didn't see one. If you find proof otherwise, let me know. That's pretty important when one is talking about C-section rates and how much is too much.

You speak the truth, my friend.

Perhaps not all of them, but that doesn't mean there isn't a big lean that way among doula culture, or so it seems to me. Believe me, I would be happy to be proved wrong with some evidence, because every doula blog I've ever read has been a gigantic turn off to me, which is sad because I very much like the idea of

There's that, too. Ultimately I ended up very happy with mine as well. Perhaps it's corny, but I think it's important that people like you and I share our stories when we can, because there really is a culture of fear surrounding "interventions" in birth now, at least on the internet if not among real life folks.

It's a possible complication, but like most complications it's not a common one. I'm so sorry that happened to you.

"I feel like whatever small percentage of women are actually opting in to surgery rather than vaginal delivery are lacking an understanding of what surgery and recovery entails."

Same here! I've never heard of people wanting a c-section the first time out! I was terrified to have one.

There are A LOT. I would advise talking to your OB first and foremost; I'm sure he or she could lay things out in greater detail than we commenters could.

"scare them with visions of their stomachs rupturing open during pushing" - it's called uterine rupture and it's a very real risk of VBACs. Some people are at higher risk than others depending on their situation and how well the C-section was performed, but a rupture can be extremely dangerous to the baby, mother, or

"Of course after you have the first one, you have to have all subsequent children the same way. =/ "

It really probably does depend so much on one's group of friends/relations. No one I know wanted a c-section and all dreaded the idea. Most folks around me are all rah-rah natural childbirth. :) I wonder if your friends who had c-sections had something that indicated the possibility of a c-section and kinda pushed in

I find the idea of an elective c-section strictly for vanity to be more than a little distasteful, but I still ultimately believe in maternal choice. However, like I said, I think it is very uncommon.