
Really fucking sick of Jezebel, of all places, calling this bullshit “sex.”

Gay. Straight. You’re a victim-blaming peice of trash.

Jesus, dude. Seriously?

That’s Dawkins sitting next to him, isn’t it? Look at his body language, he hates it.

Sorry, I prefer my Sherlock Holmes stories without gross misogyny from Moffat.

Am I the only one that thinks Elementary is way better than Sherlock? Sherlock always seems like it wants me to be super impressed by how genius it is but I don't actually enjoy watching it.

Absolutely. No matter how much money they throw at Sherlock it’s just OK and campy but Elementary has been good to great every single episode. I watch and enjoy both but if I had to pick only one it would be Elementary.

Sherlock is grossly overrated. To be fair, I only watched season 1 and part of season 2, so maybe it got better but outside of being infatuated with Cumberbatch or Holmes/Watson shipping, a lot of that show was garbage.

I love Elementary.

Elementary is great and Lucy Liu is a goddess.

Shut up, Elementary is amazing and so much better than Sherlock.

And yet there were going to be 3 male co-stars in the show.