
He's probably already made a deal to sell the kids [sans Nick] to his mysterious telephone confidante. Sex slavery awaits!

He was.

Are you a racist?

Strand LIKES that Nick is an addict! His junkie status let's Strand, a drug dealer, know that Nick had already been in survival mode for a long, long time before the outbreak. You don't survive the streets if you aren't STRONG.

I thought that the crabs were simply using the zombie as a habitat.

Oh, geez, that was supposed to be a broken spine?! I thought it was a walker bite!

I don't know hardly anyone that gets HBO, either because they can't afford it, or have better priorities.

Nick's street gutter-punk / addict status isn't supposed to be an asset "because he had already forsaken so many creature comforts, " but because he's already been living in full-on survivor mode. You know, a "Libertarian's Paradise"…

Oh, I dunno… EVeryone.