Anna Merlan's Ball Sack

Sure. Except the problem with viewing increased restrictions on abortion as a “war on women” is that there are a great number of women who are against abortion as well.

But it is, hot dogs and parking lots gain revenue for the teams. The people in the offices are doing necessary work for the teams. Cheerleaders do none of those things, they make no (or very little) money for the teams. If cheerleaders decided to stop working for NFL teams their profits would not go down.

It’s about liberty. Cheerleading is optional. They can collectively bargain or get a real job that pays. Using government force to usurp what they want is greed.

I think the cheerleaders and the NFL have the right to negotiate their own wages, not through the use of force. If they don’t want to do it for what someone wants to pay them, then they can simply not do it.

Considering that they’re currently willing to work as cheerleaders for whatever meager pay or other intangible benefits they receive, why should they expect more? If it’s so shitty, they should up and quit like any other reasonable person would. Jerry Jones isn’t holding a gun to their head (as far as I know, this

I get the feeling you are being willfully stupid... But stupid, nonetheless, so:

Uh oh, here come assholes projecting some passive aggressive insecurity onto no-one in particular.

He got up. And knocked the linesman down.

If you love the argument maybe you should put some thought into it. No, seriously, why would anyone want to be a cheerleader? You get shit pay, risk injury, and spend your weekends prancing around for drunks who dont even care that youre there? Cheerleaders are paid shit because their services arent valued

Or, pay them absolutely nothing, make it volunteer, and if no volunteers show up, it still wont affect attendance.

They made the decision to be cheerleaders despite a bullshit “salary.” Let them quit.

The right-wing argument is that they knew the deal when they signed up and they could choose to pursue the job or not.

Uh oh, here comes some left wing retard making this political.

WTF are you talking about...? Try making sense the next time you try to predict just what it is you think “right wing twaddle” is.

You may have to wait longer - so far you’ve only been joined by a bunch of smarmy liberal assholes recycling the same strawman over and over.

The franchise is based around the actual sport of football. Not a 3 minute sideshow.

Those players are the actual product in a billion dollar enterprise though. These women, who absolutely should be paid more than the $4/hour it averages out to, are not. There is a major difference there.

They should be paid in ones.

You, on the other hand, have nothing nice to offer the world.

Nobody cares about your porn obsession.