Anna Merlan's Ball Sack

Well, despite all the obvious and overwhelming evidence

Actually, it’s a shitty law, but not as shitty as those in the USA which forbid restaurants from giving leftover food to the poor.

Actually, her “reporting” is horse shit.

Actually, dipshit, no.

The fact that you’re involved with an “anime club” says so much about you, and probably not the way you want it to.


In a sign of the lack of racial diversity, the percentages of female characters of color were largely unchanged, with a slight increase in Black female characters (from 11% in 2014 to 13% in 2015)

She should be suing whoever did that to her fucking face.

Pretty sure this isn’t enough to even begin alleviating the damage that this year’s Oscars’s “homogeneous quality” will have.

I get that you’re not exactly an intellectual ball of fire, but did you even read my post before responding?

What you have is a prescriptionist argument that adding the “-ness” suffix to “grateful” is unnecessary and that it would be better to use “gratitude.”

Also, stop being a racist.

And it’s not like women tend to get assaulted at college or anything.

PTSD is a very serious and pretty rare condition

You’re a dipshit.

Actually, Mama, Merriam-Webster doesn’t list gratefulness, except by adding a suffix to grateful.

You have to realize, most of the readers of Jezebel are 20 years old and poorly educated.

At some point, you have to learn to define yourself by something other than your cooze.

Suddenly Mrs. Clinton develops an appreciation for the 1st and 4th Amendments.