Anna Merlan's Ball Sack

English isn’t your primary language, is it.


What’s an MRA, and why are you so full of rage?

To be fair, the bitch looks like she got fucked with the ugly stick, then beaten with it.

I would like Adele to lose 45 pounds.

Is there anything worse than an aging sportswriter?

Well, no, fuckhead.

he’s not about to let a woman who’s lived through a very public and unpleasant rape investigation off the hook.

No, that’s just your chronic masturbation kicking in.


Between this twit and Emma Skankowicz, you can’t trust a damn thing an Eastern European chick says, can you?

Actually, I’m offensive about it, shitstain.

Emotional? Because you’re a steaming pile of shit and I point that out?


Sarandon has nice tits. They’re the best part of her personality.

No, you’re an illiterate dumb shit.

I’m not from Iowa, you brain dead fucktard.

It’s not a problem at all, dipshit.

Also, *you’re.

How does a semi-literate fucktard such as yourself work up the stones to mock the intelligence of anybody?