Anna Merlan's Ball Sack

I would like Adele to lose 45 pounds.

Is there anything worse than an aging sportswriter?

Well, no, fuckhead.

he’s not about to let a woman who’s lived through a very public and unpleasant rape investigation off the hook.


Between this twit and Emma Skankowicz, you can’t trust a damn thing an Eastern European chick says, can you?


Sarandon has nice tits. They’re the best part of her personality.

Or men, for that matter.

I think as of right now, the primary issue here is the fact that the police and media did not use the proper pronouns or name for her

As far as I can tell from this, she wasn’t killed for being trans. But because of a dispute with a roomate.

Buzzfeed points out a statement released by the Austin Police Department in which masculine pronouns are used and Loera is referred to by her birth name.

After last year witnessed the killings of at least 23 transgender women

So, the kid chose corporal punishment over grounding, and... the parent’s are convicted of assault.



It’s almost as though sticking one’s nose into somebody else’s business isn’t a good idea, eh?

What if this vapid fuckwit made a mistake and told you your husband was doing this, but it WASN’T your husband?


So, government fucks the poor once again.