So.. believe it but investigate impartially as if you aren’t pushing a narrative? How you gonna manage that?
So.. believe it but investigate impartially as if you aren’t pushing a narrative? How you gonna manage that?
I recently saw a post on fb about a dude falsely accused of rape who killed himself. The person essentially wrote “I’ll still always believe accusers but we were wrong I’m sorry” which is so callous and tone-deaf it might as well read “#SORRYNOTSORRY”
How dare people acknowledge that a fake rape accusation occurred.
declared a vendetta against the reporter who didn’t write enough nice things lied about her.
How is a magazine or its reporter legally responsible for the accusations made by its sources?
That article should have set everyone’s Spidey senses tingling. It was way OTT and full of the most cartoonish villains imaginable. And yet, look at the reaction here when skepticism was expressed.
Holy shit this hilarious to read now.
Where’s YOUR retraction, Anna? This post reads like holocaust denial, yet your humility is nowhere to be found...
You mean... Getting the story right? ...As opposed to shunting fact-check to support worthless ideology?
i'm still laughing at your tone in these because it is like you're really sardonically approaching every one of these comments when in reality the people you complain about were right
You're right to point out they are white men, because that helps us understand why they are evil (since all right-thinking people know white men are the basis for all evil on our society, especially privileged fratboys).
I'm baffled at the rage in asking simple questions regarding absolutely unsubstantiated stories and charges. IF someone lodges a false complaint or makes up a story, it is very tough to dismiss a negative, so demanding anyone with a doubt or questions DISPROVE something that may not have even happened, is a…
The fact the remains that there is just as much public evidence supporting the denial of Sabrina's story as there is to prove its validity. How would it be possible that no one has identified Drew if he was a lifeguard in the Phi Psi fraternity two years ago? How many people in that fraternity were lifeguards two…
Are we proud of journalism degrees now?
Yes, clearly Gawker is a sterling organization full of amazing editors with incredible editorial standards. That's why you guys did such a bang up job on the Cory Gardner story.
Your snark really comes across as un-professional and hurts your credibility.
I think you typo'd. I think you meant to say "I think accused rapists should go to jail reguardless of if they're guilty". Because with the mounds of evidence for the UVA story, they're obviously guilty.
Yeah, Robby. How could you dare question a story without a shred of evidence, instead of supporting a story without a shred of evidence. It's just irrational.
I agree with you. There are holes in this story once you get over the "shock" when the article was written from Jackie's perspective according the the RS author. Drew knew that he would encounter Jackie the next week at the pool. Maybe college kids don't mind seeing their gang rape victims again but I would imagine…