
idk honestly it has the most diverse cast it has ever had and some sincerely talented actors and writers. I wouldn’t judge on an opinion you had of it years ago because the cast has changed! the female and POC dominated scenes that address political topics for the related communities are pretty awesome.

timbaland (his producer) is amazing BECAUSE he samples from tracks that aren't used by others and difficult to track down or duplicate. he has a VERY eclectic music taste and so it shouldn't surprise anyone that he would use some track like this. at least, anyone who actually knows his music.

one of my early memories is my bus driver roughing up a young man after he was told her raped a girl on the bus when I was in eighth grade. right after someone from the back of the bus told him, he pulled the bus over and took the kid out the back door, knocked him around a few times then held him still until the cops

people! most things in life and history do not have to exist in comparison or competition. you and your opinions can exist without being relative to everything else. one’s oppression isn’t diminished by someone else being oppressed.

your friends and family members are not therapists (or they may be therapists, but aren’t compensated for their volunteered social time with you). NO ONE deserves to be someone else’s emotional receptacle. if your MO is venting and complaining, you should invest in therapy.