
That argument—that a lot of men do “vile, abusive things,” so we’ll necessarily have to find room for them all again—is a little staggering in its laziness, its indifference towards victims, the crudeness of its calculations: There are too many of them not to grant some form of redemption.

Crime, once uncovered, has no refuge, save audacity.”

You’d think it would be obvious that, if anyone “felt bullied” by warnings of a rapist, it would be because he’s the fucking rapist.

“It makes me angry that I’m being punished for bullying and a rapist isn’t being punished for raping people”

Am I just at an age where I now appreciate teenagers or are 15 year olds just absolutely nailing everything on the head right now?

To paraphrase another Jezebel article on the subject, oh but they are good boys

Hey it’s really disappointing that you don’t offer subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing. I always looked forward to reading these submissions and the winning stories but now that they’re done in video format, you’ve excluded at least one portion of your audience. As a website that prides themselves on being

Both! There’s a lot of cunning folk/Native American/African American overlap in Appalachian folk tradition. I have my great-great-grandma’ copy of The Long Lost Friend, and the 6th and 7th Key of Solomon (along with some books she got through the Pack Librarians...and never returned bad great-great-grandma!) she was

In this case at least Kim Richardson’s is a third or fourth book in a continuing line of “Appalachian stereotypes that are now novels” all of them have convoluted nonsense plots and portray Kentucky Appalachian populations as very stereotypical to ‘outsider’ accounts (Appalachia is myriad. Black, Melugion, etc

Yeah that’s entirely probable. I go back and forth between liking more scientific explanations for things and the “whimsical/ romantic” ones.

This reminds me of the story in Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert where she and another author, unbeknownst to each other, had been developing an idea for a book that dealt with the same subject matter (I forget what specifically). The ideas were coincidental but there were enough specifics about each project for it to

Lookin’ out the window? You better believe that’s a COUP

I am an Atl native and I have long joked about holding a seance to resurrect the ghost of Sherman in order to get him to finish the job.

That relies on people following orders. That also relies on people issuing orders. Do you think Trump will crack down on his most loyal? Do you think the police will do anything of value? The National Guard might, if called. Though we have how many true believer GOP governors now?

It’s not like this is the first time American Assholes overplayed their hand...

Jesus, how did abortion access slide backwards so quickly. I’m lucky enough to live in a country where abortion is free and easy to access. It isn’t at all a political talking point. I read about about women in America and the struggles they have to go through to get what should be their legal right, and am horrified.

It sounds like the judge should try being a woman for a week. He might figure it out. I’m 58 years old. For the most part I look 58 years old. I’m physically disabled. Yesterday I was at Costco and got a hotdog when I was done shopping. I sat at the first table to eat, and parked my cart at the end of the table. A guy

I’ve heard this so many times...that reparations and focusing on slave ownership is the problem and that if we just walked away from all that racism would be solved. Uhg.

There is a sizable portion of white America that sees this as the exact cure for racism. All our problems would be solved if black people would just forgive us for everything.