
Joshua Tree is out of the way, too. I don’t know you really have to care about fucking up something beautiful to go all the way out there and do it. I’m in California now but I grew up in Utah (a beautiful state) and there were plenty of dinguses up in arms about “government overreach” and the national parks “taking

And, unfortunately, you can also be ghosted perfectly well by someone you have a relationship with.

That’s so sad you lost your story I’m sorry 😢

It’s really sad Joe Rogan felt that way but honestly when is the last time entire towns went after accused rapists of women/girls? At the moment we have one for president 

I’ve dabbled in writing and it’s sooo frustrating that books like 50 Shades and Twilight can break ALL the rules I’ve been taught were soooo important in proper writing. And not even because they’re so amazing and innovative, like I was taught you had to be to get away with rule breaking! Gah!

I for one don’t find pale white boy butt tan lines especially scintillating 

*pumps fist* yes

I’m baking NOTHING because I have yeast in my milk ducts and I’m breastfeeding and if I eat sugar or wheat or milk it makes it worse and my nips crack open so I have to eat oats and meat and that’s about it and I want to kill myself (ok not really and suicide jokes aren’t funny but I’m really sad).

My story also involves knowingly walking into food poisoning. My friends dad has a small cattle operation and keeps her supplied with organic, grass fed meat. One year there was too much so she shared it with me, I stuck a big beautiful roast in my semi functioning freezer. When I took it out, I knew the freezer had

I think those are boat shoes, and the original comment, although right about Post Malone being terrible, is wrong about boat shoes.


He knows everything about what all women are thinking, and he’ll mansplain it to you right quick.

Ill be sad to see it go but I think it’s the right decision. The show feels like an artifact of the late obama era, hysterically funny but also full of dread. In 2016 everything it hinted at for America came true, so it’s not quite as relevant now. In my opinion.

Lol I stand corrected. 

Those pictures!! 😂 who wants to look at people fucking from the back angle?

Yes. It’s hard to imagine worse circumstances to be born into. Unless the woman’s family somehow wants him, hopefully he’ll be whisked away to some adoptive family and will never know any of this.

I think it’s maybe because (to normal people) baby/little girls aren’t sexy and are basically indistinguishable from baby/little boys and it’s the first time they’ve had a relationship with a female human without sex coloring absolutely everything and been able to say “oh, that’s a person I guess”. Just a theory.

Geez, you’re being so reasonable and understanding of kids. You clearly don’t belong here.

*red states desperately pushing vote button*

Right. His testimony WAS the smoking gun of his unfitness as a judge, and they applauded it.