Maybe it's her choice of swimsuit but it looks like she's trying really really hard to keep her stomach sucked in. She says she's posing proudly, but I just get this really awkward vibe from the pics.
Maybe it's her choice of swimsuit but it looks like she's trying really really hard to keep her stomach sucked in. She says she's posing proudly, but I just get this really awkward vibe from the pics.
It's not like there haven't been a ton of other movies built on that whole "what if we could use our whole brain" premise before. At least this one has a female lead and Morgan Freeman. I'd watch it.
Super marriage would be hilarious. It's the next level evolution of marriage. Super marriage is...Kimye.
Yes! I now feel validated for all those vacations I planned that involved me doing absolutely nothing. People always made fun of me, like "why did you bother going to (insert place here) if you didn't even do anything?"
LOL! My dog is just jumpy, like maybe a car will crunch the pavement particularly hard nearby and she'll have a heart attack. :)
This is what I think. It might work if your dog is being led placidly around a fenced in track somewhere, but the drone wouldn't be able to deal for when my dog spots a squirrel, another nosy dog, children playing, weird rustling bushes, etc.
I feel like this would be a good product for single dog parents (like myself) for those days when I am sick and just wish someone else would walk my dog for me. Because I'm leery of handing off my dog to a dog walker (my dog goes into crazy mode every once in awhile, and if you don't know how to look for it you can…
If this becomes a thing, I may actually venture into an Abercrombie when I go shopping. The biggest reason I can't go in is because the "fragrance" they spray on everything makes me ill. (And also, I normally can't find a single thing that fits me, but if they're going to carry larger sizes...)
Eh. Come talk to me when they start making commercials like this one:
As an Asian American who was routinely mocked as being a "fob" when younger (by other Asians, mostly), I'm really interested to see if Fresh Off the Boat truly reflects my life and experiences. Because if it's not about the hilarious path of an Asian American teen trying to distance him/herself from being seen as "too…
I'll get dessert if I can, but sometimes when the server asks if I'd like to see the dessert menu, it's like "you just saw me vacuum down the biggest bowl of pasta you have, topped with nachos and oh yeah, seconds on the bread basket...I'm really going to have to skip dessert."
Nope, genes do play a large part. I have a friend who is blessed with a fantastic metabolism - she drinks sodas and eats sugary/fatty foods all the time and is still ridiculously skinny. If I had her eating habits, I'd be a LOT bigger than I am now.
Can she PLEASE stop hunching her shoulders and stand up straight?
My English teacher in high school showed us that version in class, and when the grand old butt scene happened she jumped up and held a sheet of paper over the screen. And of course we all knew it was BUTT but she had to pretend like she made an effort to shield our delicate eyes, just in case some parent complained. :)
I hadn't really noticed until this compilation, but wow all of them are about two young conventionally attractive white people. I remember watching Romeo and Juliet - glad I didn't have to waste my time watching all those other movies.
Definitely a wig. If you look at the unretouched pictures, you can see the seam of the wig at the top. They photoshopped in the part in her hair.
It seems stressful and stupid. I never got the whole prom thing - didn't want to spend money on the tickets/limo/dress/makeup/photos, so I skipped it and went to the movies instead. I remember a few of my friends getting cute, creative asks - but it was hardly standard.
I think I would like a job as the one who replies to fan invites. Like I'm sure Zac Efron gets plenty of proposals to attend prom...I could send each girl a personalized corsage. Decent job security as long as the employer stays famous.
Luckily I ate a lot of sand as a kid - straight out of the sandbox, no less, back when we had sand in boxes and not wood chips. Probably explained why those school chicken nuggets never bothered me...not enough sand!
It looks like some weird, futuristic battle outfit. The seam right down the center is seriously irritating me.