
This is what I thought too! That if I could were just on Disney, I'd be set forever and film glamorous movies in exotic locations just because and be super rich.

Major props to the dude who did the whole thing in stilettos.

Yesssssss. That is one of my biggest pet peeves. If my team's colors were pink and white, well then okay, I will wear pink and white. But if they are not pink and white, why on earth would I wear a pink jersey/kit/shirt? I have plenty of pink shirts. I want my sports gear to be the color of my team, thanks.

I actually love that Batgirl outfit and would wear the shit out of it!

Again, missing the point. If I wanted to wear a frilly pink dress for Halloween, I'd go as Princess Peach or something. Or Cinderella. If I wanted to go as Spidergirl, I would want to look like Spidergirl. Who wears blue and red in the comics and on TV and as a toy and literally on the cover of the costume packaging.

I like most YA - I tend to lose interest the moment a love triangle rears its ugly, predictable head - but have not read Fault in Our Stars. Everyone and their mom says it's good, but I just can't bring myself to read it. The summary seems boring to me.

Love her! She's really turning the area around, and I'm proud to say I've worked with her office to bring a farmers' market into Compton.

Thank you for this. I like most kids - I even taught pre-school through middle school for awhile and loved my students, they loved me - but never once has that translated to me wanting one of my own. I also have zero desire to get married, or even be in a relationship. And not because I'm "working on me" or "just

Yeah...if they're saying "ooh braids are back in style like they've never been" then okay, maybe there's a point. But it's not appropriation. Heck, Chinese dudes have been braiding their hair for thousands of years (until recently).

I used to be that girl who would have to braid (French or otherwise) everyone else's hair because I was the only one who knew how to do it. So basically every swim meet I'd have a line of girls waiting for me to do their hair, which I never understood because then we'd all put on swim caps so no one was gonna see my

Yep. Everyone's all "oh but you're vegetarian, you're safe" and that's just not true, contaminants get into everything and no one checks my frozen spinach!

My thought too. My thighs definitely touch but I have never experienced chafing in my life.

Well, sun protection kind of falls under health for me - I'm terrified of getting skin cancer! But other than that, I've loosened up a lot about my body!

I like this version. Although it was hilarious to watch Miley reigning herself in the whole performance, trying to keep her tongue under control, and then the second it ends the tongue comes flying out.

I liked the part where he specifically says "grab her with your 2 hands" because...I guess dudes might try a one handed grab? Some dudes have 3 hands?

Big tough hockey player Zenon Konopka has a bunny...and I'm pretty sure his sex life is not lacking. #hoppylife is such a great tag

I, for one, would be perfectly happy if the state would start subsidizing my dog. I'm pretty sure her cute little therapy providing face does a lot more good for society than most kids.

I mostly like rom coms, but I totally agree. I don't want it to be a woman's only genre. There definitely needs to be more balance with men and women working on the movies though.

Yes, and in Taiwan/Japan I always used to get little coin purses, hair accessories and makeup bags with the mags!

Block it out, just think about the good old days.