
I love the amount of sparkle she's got on. My one complaint is the weird dangly front of her bikini bottom. It should either be more micro-miniskirt like or be tucked in because it makes me think she's got diamond pubic hair, which would be awesome except for the chafing.

Maybe? At least it'd be novel because these movies never have Asian people in them like, ever. Why do crappy TV movies have to be limited to white people? Especially when they are set in L.A. which is pretty freaking diverse and full of POC?

I want all of the Hello Kitty and Snoopy shirts!

Meh. Drinking from straws also gives you mouth wrinkles (and it's even worse because you're actually, you know, sucking), but that hasn't stopped anyone.

Unless you're giving blowjobs as often as you drink from a water bottle, I think you'll be okay.

This is disheartening because I actually do like Brenda Song and I think she's gorgeous, and I wish there were better roles out there for her.

Also, if people want to stay cool in the summer, wear breezy loose clothing. I do not understand the people who insist on wearing super tight jeans when it is sweltering out, they just look like sweaty sausages.

Hey fuck you I happen to look fabulous in capris. XD

Maaaaaan, fuck this. If I'm not having my baby, I sure as hell ain't letting anyone else get their hands on it!

I agree with this wholeheartedly. Starting your own household (whether alone or with roommates) is hard! I scavenged from my parents, Craigslist and other roomies, and it would have been super awesome if people had just given me things like a dining set or pillows when I first started living on my own.

You do know that in Asian culture it's traditional to give cash gifts at weddings.

If people want cash gifts, give them cash gifts. It doesn't just apply to weddings either. I prefer cash/gift cards for my birthday, Christmas, etc. Cash is great. Giving me cash means you care enough about me to give me a gift, and you know that I'll spend that cash on something I really want or I'll put it towards

Are you referring to Tendo Choi? I noticed that, but I sort of let it go as I assumed he was very mixed race (Japanese/Chinese/Korean/etc.). I really wished Hannibal Chau had been played by an Asian though. I thought Chow Yun Fat would have been perfect. Or, even better, if Hannibal Chau had been a woman and played by

Selena is super pretty, but her baby face totally distracts from her being a sex object. I feel like I'm watching a video of a little girl pretending she's all grown up wearing mommy's jewelry and make up.

Women don't have pockets because designers don't make women's clothing with pockets in mind. I've lost track of the number of times I've bought a pair of jeans, only to find that the pockets are tiny or decorative only. I mean really, wtf. But apparently having pockets and stuff in pockets will make us look too lumpy

My first thought upon seeing the fetuses: OMG THIS IS SO GROSS

Dude can't help being photogenic and not brushing his hair. I'm sure RS also photoshopped it to make it more glam, but the guy's good looking. Doesn't make what he did any less horrible, but pretty people do bad things all the time.

I'm not sure how the Rolling Stones cover "rewards a terrorist with celebrity treatment" when I'm pretty sure the 24-hour non-stop coverage from CNN et al already do that.

Yes! TV and movies had me thinking that if I wasn't screaming and thrashing around on the bed, I wasn't have an orgasm. So for the longest time, I kept wondering "well did I or didn't I?" Because it'd feel pretty good, but I wasn't exactly blowing up like a volcano.

I feel like that speaks more to the culture of the military though. I've never been in the military or directly known anyone who's joined, but from what I can tell it gets boring around for the next mission, so I can see shenanigans happening.