Well gee, if you look exactly like that Barbie on the plate, you may indeed look like a neo-Nazi.
Well gee, if you look exactly like that Barbie on the plate, you may indeed look like a neo-Nazi.
A+ analysis. I actually hadn't even noticed that - I had assumed they paired Asian girls with white guys because well, an Asian guy is just too effeminate and nerdy to really win the girl, which plays up that stereotype as well as continuing the whole White Dude Wins All the Women trope.
This may be true, but any actor can get a speech coach to train them to pick up another accent.
Well, I mean worship like in a religious sense. When we do things like light incense and pray at the shrine and ask them to watch over us, it's less about treating them as actual deities that can affect the outcome of events, and more about hoping their wisdom rubs off on us and that we don't do anything to shame…
Yesssssss, this is super annoying.
Good lord I could never. Just the thought of it. Ugh. And razor burn there. I don't mind keeping it trimmed down there, but I don't shave. If I'm going to go all bare, I'd rather get it waxed off.
Oh, I totally agree. I just wish it weren't the case, but yeah.
Language shouldn't be an issue, it's not like there aren't plenty of Asian Americans who want to act. Getting an international star would be a boon for any movie, but a director saying they decided to go with a white girl because it's a speaking role is just not cool.
I liked Jet Li's older work, his more recent movies have been kind of meh.
It's surprisingly good. I mean you can tell it's a student/indie film in terms of production quality, but it was still well done.
I really wish they'd pick him up to do more movies outside of dance flicks, but sadly his acting could improve...
Most of it didn't bother me too much, except for the way the dragon (and named Mushu, really?) was portrayed and the whole ancestor bit. Like, we don't really worship our ancestors so much as we show respect to them. And dragons are freaking awesome, not irritating lizard things.
Best known for Fast and Furious movies, but he's also been in a lot of others (Better Luck Tomorrow was a really great one).
This is true. And they can make so much more bank in Korea/China/Taiwan/Japan/etc. because they're "cool" for being American and speaking English and stuff.
There's something in this. And in romcoms the Asian girl is always relegated to being the dependable best friend (i.e. prudish, nerdy, conservative Asian), the bitch (Dragon lady) or the secret party girl (her strict parents are strict Asians and she just wants to break freeeeee).
Ah, okay. I've never bought or worn anything by Juicy (both because of cost and I don't do velour tracksuits), so I can't comment on the quality.
I mostly object to the tagline because it's just too easy to transfer "thing = undies" to "thing = girl" from the looks of the campaign. And women are not things.
I like it too, and it actually matches Bruce Willis' outfit. Father/daughter win!
Makes sense. A good actor isn't always a good conversationalist, especially at things like press interviews where there's so much focus on you and what you're saying. I work in PR and there's a reason we always hold briefings before events, so we all know what to say and how to say it. There's room for improv if…
It is most certainly not cheap. I mean, some of it is cheap looking, but the price tags are ridiculous given what they're selling.