
Thanks! I've already ordered a sample. I love the cup because I just hate the feeling liquids flowing out of my body (esp when you've been sitting/lying down and stand up and there's that gush and just uggghhh) but it'd be nice to have an ecofriendly panty liner or leak guard.

Mother rescuing a son?

This is true. And Harry does seem really crazy. But Louis really does hit all my kinks, and that's really not easy. Ugh I hate 1D I feel like a pervy old lady now!

I like Louis too. Although maybe Harry has the personality that wins tweens over?

Snow White gets a pass because her hair isn't blonde, I guess. But other than that, they could have been the same girl: dancing, singing with animals, nearly silent the whole film...

Dude I am a convert! I used to HATE black licorice but my friend gave me the good stuff and now I can't imagine ever hating it.

I loved Marie Antoinette even though I quite dislike Kristen Dunst (and I liked the Virgin Suicides in spite of her too). As I actually like Emma Watson, this looks promising.

I did the same thing! I think I was around 13 when I did this, and sadly my waist had already surpassed Scarlett's. Although I could come close if I sucked in my stomach...

Ugh. I mean. There is a movie out this month called Jack the Giant Slayer. Fairy tale. Male protagonist. THIS EXACT SAME MONTH.

My biggest beef with Finnick's outfit is the boots. Why is he wearing combat boots? They don't go with the outfit at all. Fire your stylist post haste, Finnick.

Well, I wasn't going to see it anyway because of the glaringly white cast, but now I want to see it even less. Didn't know that was possible, but there you go.

Years ago, most women married young so changing their name didn't really affect their lives that much. I think it matters more now because more people are getting married later in life after establishing their professional identities, and a name change can be difficult.

Agree. If people change their last names when they get married, it'd be really awesome to change it to a unique one for the new family. Or one that squishes two last names together, sort of like ship names.

It's not what they were originally bred for.

No breed characteristic should be aggressive because people don't want aggressive dogs. Aggressive dogs do not make good companions, workers or pets. There are aggressive dogs, but it's not a trait that should be attributed to any breed.

Well, I guess I consider that more ethnicity. People changed to adapt to the area and because they married/bred with each other, racial/breed characteristics became commonplace.

I've never used one, but it doesn't seem too difficult. Probably takes slightly more effort than slipping a male condom on a dick, but if it can be inserted hours before sex, makes it worth it.

They do have typical characteristics, but what I dislike is when people assume those negative attributes define the entire breed and completely ignore the positive. Some dog breeds tend to be stubborn, or extremely energetic, or high strung. These are characteristics that can translate into becoming aggressive if not

Personality is different from aggression. Are some breeds more stubborn, strong and high strung? Yes. Does that mean they are naturally aggressive? No.

Races are really just breeds of humans. I don't (or at least I consciously try not to) stereotype against people based on their skin/eye/hair color or physical characteristics. Considering most people treat dogs as family, I don't see why they can't have the same courtesy.