
I don't really get people who get one just because they want to look thinner, but to each their own. I do have a friend who lost a lot of weight (some due to diet change, some to illness) and now there's just great rolls of skin around her waist and no exercise/diet will get rid of it. It makes her clothes fit weird

Number one: don't give them the reaction they want. They want you to be angry because they think it's just so hilarious, right? So give them the opposite. They razz on you/women, give them a cold "that's not funny" and change the subject or leave.

"you shouldn't treat it as a commentary on how men should treat women"

I'm not going to search out all her lyrics so no one can claim I'm misquoting her. I'm just going by what I've heard, which is most of her songs because my coworkers like to play her music a lot and they don't believe in headphones.

Free samples, I'm there. Thanks again!

Um...tissues because you can cry and wipe away your manly tears? Then blow your nose like a boss and blame dust ninjas?


Agree across the board. I haven't actually heard the song 22, but I know when I was that age I had just finished college and was trying to figure out what I was going to do next (grad school, career job, move?) while working a crap job to save up money so I could do those things.

I feel like she wrote this song after having watched She's All That a few too many times.

That song is probably the most well known. But I also have issues with Love Story, where the guy asks her daddy for permission to marry her. And there's another song off her most recent album that contains the lyrics "you think it's funny when I'm mad" and not okay. Women's feelings aren't to be trivialized

This is amazing, I had no idea. Thanks a lot, I'm totally going to look into it! (Any brands you recommend?)

That explains a lot. Because I watched on HBO and could not understand him half the time, and I was wondering if it was an acting choice or if he'd had dental work done. That and his pillow cheeks...when the rest of him was still very angular, created a really weird looking dude.

I still haven't figured out how to respond when people say "wait, you went to college in San Diego and didn't party in Tijuana?"

Interesting! I'm curious to try them, but I doubt I will because I bleed A LOT my first two to three days.

Between that and the Borgias...yep.

Yeah. I read somewhere that siblings who grow up together are exposed to each others' scent/hormone/whatever (clearly I read this article a long time ago) during their developing years to prevent incestuous attraction.

I have never done anything I "should have been doing" in any age bracket. Did not party or date as a teen, did not party or drink or try drugs in college, didn't drink or date in my 20s...extensive traveling is probably the only thing I did in my 20s that "counts" but even then, I never did the backpacking/hostel

It's certainly a choice, and I think there are also varying degrees in which a woman can participate - I shave my pits but not my crotch, I wear makeup but not perfume, I wear nice outfits but certainly don't break the bank going for a different outfit every day - but for a woman to say "fuck society" and just adhere

That's what I thought too.

It's sort of like Friends in concept (group of friends that live together/near each other, hang out at one watering hole and date each other a lot), but the style is a bit different, which is nice. It's definitely sort of a "straight white person" show.