
Part of this is really funny to me because I have a friend-of-a-friend-couple in my larger social circle who got “super fancy” finance jobs that moved them to England from California. You would think they were offered jobs as MPs or something based on how they went on about it. They moved to Surrey. When we get

Was this flat in Croydon? You said ‘hellscape’ and Croydon came to mind :)

Definitely a “fuck this shit” moment. 

This is the most British spooky story ever but I hope it translates for you guys. I’m a freelance journalist and lived in London for ten years, and around three years ago, my then-boyfriend Sean got a job at a fancy botanical garden way out in the burbs, a really dreary finance sector commuter belt county called

“Without a Whisper”

Ahhhhh so freaking excited! I really need this, people.