
Sure there is. Louie CK is a genius. His work is incredible, subtle, nuanced, difficult. As a result, he tends to attract a smart audience. But some are apparently just a bit too smart for their britches.
Those who are arm chair quarterbacking this comic and making snotty comments such as "I'm happy to give CK as much

You're right. I take that back. It's relevant to people like you.

No. You're not the only one. People can't seem to get past pigment. It's a tv show. Shit. He picked the gest people for the roles.

I haven't watched a show of his that I've not adored. These are brilliant to me. Loved them.

What was "date rapey" about it? What the heck? She clearly was giving him subtle signals that she would be receptive to more than a kiss on the cheek and when he did make out with her, her instant reaction showed she was totally turned on and wanted sex, even if she didn't totally think it was a great idea for them.

I loved it. Not pretentious one bit.

It has been discussed in articles. It's funny how it confuses some people. Who cares what color she is? It's a tv show. He picked the best actress for the role. Her pigmentation is irrelevant.

Best post so far.

He recognized the tone. Brilliant stuff.

Thank you so much!

Holy hell. Some of you guys take your own opinions much too seriously. Your post is more than a bit pretentious.

I'm looking forward to more. Too many armchair quarterbacks on here.

I think it's brilliant stuff. I've never walked away from an episode without feeling touched and amused. There is a reason this guy has such a following.

These six episodes could almost comprise a play. I love Louie. This season is showing that he's more than just a phenomenal comedian. He's a great actor too. The sensitivity on his face when staring at Amia interact with his daughters, for example. He's really good.