I loooooove that book! I've probably read it several times. Along with Sheri S Tepper's other books. As feminist scifi writers go she should be a 'must read'.
I loooooove that book! I've probably read it several times. Along with Sheri S Tepper's other books. As feminist scifi writers go she should be a 'must read'.
I seriously doubt it.
What you said!
I can't help seeing the resemblence with him and the guy off jacksfilms.
We try the best of both worlds.
A big ditto on the PM.
Now that's cute!
I have a dog that was a fatty until the vet put her on Royal Canin's 'Obesity Management Diet'.
Yeah, I don't get it.
That was fabulous!
I was torn.
Holy crap!
It's a great day to be a Kiwi. :)
Cute. :)
I just watched Robot and Frank the other night. What an awesome movie. So sad.
You are correct in that grains have changed but the same may be said of vegetables too.
Thank you for enlightening me.
I don't get the hatred of grains.
Thank you for that.
Hell no.