Or... men could just stop being sluts and quit sleeping around.
Or... men could just stop being sluts and quit sleeping around.
I had a split symphysis for 2 out of 3 pregnancies but they didn't completely part company and I was ok as long as I wore my special belt to hold me in.
Even if she had, which she hasn't, so bloody what?!
Or maybe not.
Oh you and your common sense! Really! :)
I've read numerous articles that state men do suffer from depression they just don't want to admit to it.
Rarely had soda growing up and we rarely stock it ourselves.
Have you ever tried romanesco broccoli. Can't say I have myself but dang it looks cool (I had to google image search it because I had no idea what it was) and folks on my food board were going on about it so I think I'm going to have to try it.
Corn and wheat as wholefoods or minimally processed aren't bad for you.
Agree 100 bazillion percent.
Granted. But unless her doctor has said she has a thyroid problem or metabolism issues or some such the odds are most likely dietary.
I realise that. I just don't want folks to put it in the 'too hard basket' without giving it their best shot.
Hows about you read through the tangled web that is our commenting system and read all my replies to both the original poster and the other one I've been 'talking' with.
I don't know what the answer is then.
Valid point perhaps, I'll give you that. :)
I agree, keeping it off isn't easy.
If it would be helpful, not as a judgement, but purely from one poster to another I can recommend 'The Starch Solution'.