
The characterization of the walruses jumping off the cliff because of climate melting is a lie and the standards of decent journalism are either a joke to you or more malevolently, a propaganda ploy. Ms. Woo are you really an editor?

“In their minds they are legends, they are icons.”

I used to know a woman who said Ted Bundy tried to hit on her in the 70s. She said she found him off putting and weird/potentially dangerous and went to lengths to avoid him immediately. She asked for the help of an authority figure to get away from him. She recognized his picture on a wanted poster a few years later

I’d forgotten that bit. The doco does actually suggest Bundy was abused - not sexually, but beaten by his grandfather who was apparently well known for being violent. It doesn’t go into any other real detail though, but it definitely doesn’t suggest it was ‘Leave it to Beaver’ - it also makes it clear that Bundy’s

Check out the linked article in Rolling Stone about one of the Florida survivors. It may be most the families of the murdered just didn’t want to be part of anything related to Bundy.

I also think men like Bundy are attractive to a certain contingent of people, they know it, and they target and attract those people. Andrew Cunanan, who killed five people including Gianni Versace, was essentially a con artist who understood he was charming to older gay men who were probably somewhat insecure about

He wasn’t attractive at all! Not that being attractive excuses his behavior, but how are all these women finding him charming and attractive?

For what it’s worth, in their book (which is miles better than Ann Rule’s book) “The Only Living Witness” Michaud and Aynesworth talk about how Bundy’s debonair charming image was superficial and essentially false. They talk about how he picked his nose and was “poorly read” and how he had bad LSAT scores and did

What is more, Netflix’s whole social media campaign of ‘Hey you horndogs, stop lusting after Ted Bundy! He is gross! (See him now on Netflix)‘ is such fucking transparently crass seeding of a shitty idea that I wish Netflix were a person so I could kick him in the balls.

That’s exactly what it is. True Crime is in right now as a genre. There’s money to be made shitting out multi-part docs about serial killers at the moment. CNN just made one about John Wayne Gacy too.

I have watched 3.5 episodes out of the total 4 so far and I had to stop at the part right before they (I assume) show him proposing to Carol Anne Boone. I just couldn’t handle it— the squicky-ness and horror of it. I also am frustrated with myself for watching this because it adds nothing of value to the conversation

I am incredibly disturbed by your victim blaming. They were not stupid. They were in the wrong place and the wrong time. He did things like our in a fake cast and then ask for help carrying something to his car. It's important to understand that sociopaths are charming and manipulate. It's how they get away with

I haven’t watched it and I don’t plan to, but I would have been tempted if they focused on the racial and socioeconomic bias that allowed him to murder so many people. And then applied that to how we look at criminal behavior now. 

My main take-away from the series was how baffled I was that this incredibly vain, narcissistic, BORING man could be thought of as charming by anyone. It felt like the documentary was trying to convince us of his uniqueness while glossing over the very real horror he brought to women. Before watching this I didn’t

When I was watching it, I actually came away feeling like it was obvious that Bundy THOUGHT he was the smartest person alive, but he kept fucking up. His first escape, he goes on and on about how brilliant he was to evade capture for so long, but he basically hid in the woods for a week until he got too hungry, and

This is a completely fair appraisal of the series. I was in high school and college during the Bundy craze and will admit that I watched the first three episodes of the Netflix series back-to-back, enrapt, as did my sister. I would argue that all the criticisms of the series are the exact points to be taken from it:

I watched this over the weekend and was rather surprised by the obsession with how charming he was. He wasn’t meeting these women in bars and inviting them back to his place after hours of drunken flirtation. He was literally pretending to be injured and asking for their help carrying stuff to his car or whatever,

Absofuckinglutely. Our fetishization of serial killers is just as disturbing as the fetishization serial killers have of their victims. Whenever I see people wearing shirts with Manson’s face on them (which, now that I’m not in high school anymore, isn’t as frequent), I wanna ask if they’d wear a shirt with Hitler on

What’s left to learn from Ted Bundy?

The fetishization of serial killers needs to be erased from our collective lexicon. This is pain and suffering writ large into the public consciousness. Charles Manson has become some sort of garbage icon with his face on t-shirts and the semi-subject of Tarantino’s next film (Q, I used to love you, but stop it with