
Ergh, agreed.

You and I are in the same boat in terms of car expertise. Help is always good in that department.

Another variation on this is whenever a girl happens to have a crush on a member of a band (an actual band, not a teenybopper sensation), guys just roll their eyes and say the girls "don't appreciate the music". 'Cause I'm so sure the men who went to see Blondie or the Pretenders or the Pixies or any other band that

Thank you for this article.

Love Craig, too, but with all due respect, that sounds incredibly snobby.

My dad worked in radio. He told me that according to consultants, anything 10 years old or older that is even remotely rock related will show up on classic stations of any sort. Plus, people who were in their late teens/20s when the 90s scene was breaking are getting "old" by advertisers and such's definitions. So

I used to love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a kid, but I wasn't obsessive about them the way some people are.

The mother reading to her children and the old couple curled up in bed in 'Titantic' pull at my heartstrings every time. Eeesh.

Agreed. I've liked seeing the rest of the cast pop up on "The Soup" here and there. It is great to see the support going on between both shows. And I like seeing the cast hanging out together-it looks like they have loads of fun being around each other. I can't imagine what it'd be like to come to the "Community" set

Still one of the funniest things from this series, that rap.

I love that Simon Pegg watches this show. If they ever want to look for future guest stars again, I'd kill to see him on there.

There's been lots of episodes that referenced things I've never seen/heard of. And yet I still enjoyed those episodes because there was at least always one reference I could understand, or even if I didn't get any at all, Abed was there to kinda help out with some movie/TV explanation.


This is a fascinating take on the episode, and it wouldn't surprise me at all to learn that you're on the right track with that thinking. I like your theory a lot.

The episode where Larry King did the guest voice for Geoff seriously had me laughing my head off the whole time. Watching Craig just lose it or feign impatience when Larry went off rambling about god knows what was absolutely hysterical.

Yeah, that song isn't doing anything for me, either.

"Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen". Holy. Crap. I forgot ALL about that one. I was 15 in 1999, but hell, that…song (?)…and its advice interested me-the way those lines were delivered sometimes sort of freaked me out in a weird way.

*Clutches stomach* Please, PLEASE tell me you're kidding with that snippet from that book about Fred Durst. Ugh…*Covers mouth*

"Larger Than Life" and "Candy". Ah, my teenage years :D. I loved those songs. Heck, I still like 'em.

I cannot believe this stuff is over 10 years old now. Good god, I feel so old.