
Wait, he was forced out? Where does it say that?

Sure, but Mario’s voice isn’t a nondescript whining sound effect like Snoopy, he’s actually saying words. Sure, those words are typically things like “let’sa go” and “it’sa me, Mario” and a lot of them can get endlessly reused, but they do periodically need him to say new words or say a new name or something and I’d

I mean, if that were true, they’d ask for a reasonable rate for using the API, that reflected the cost of those requests, not the exaggerated sums they appear to be asking the developers of popular reddit reader apps like Apollo for.

Pretty sure we’re allowed to complain about the specific symptoms and perpetrators of capitalism’s sins, and not just the nebulous concept.

They mentioned the user was Chinese.  The article isn’t clear if that’s a direct quote, or a translated version, which could easily result in an odd sentence structure.  Also, again, they’re Chinese, so English is almost certainly a second language, which could also have the same result.  The hardest part of a second

And it was because they they didn’t want to pay a unionized prop manager? On a Marvel production? I’m gonna’ Google that...

If we took care of people, as a rule, in our society, than I would agree with you. 

The point that just accepting greedy exploitation is the only thing to be done? I thought that point too dumb to address.

So you’re just fine with the exploitation involved. “Passionate about their work” is corp-speak for “underpaid and overworked”.

you mean free people up to pursue a career in something fulfilling that they might actually enjoy, such as art?

Yeah, because past inventions and productivity increases ALWAYS free human beings up to do more interesting work or have more free time, right?

Are you out of your fucking mind?

That’s like calling Tesla a budget car because Ferraris are more expensive.

Actually, CGI has done massive damage to the moviemaking industry. So many little stupid things get CGI’d, like having an actor hold a stick and then CGIing in a gun later because it’s cheaper to pay a graphics sweatshop to add in a gun than it is to pay a unionized prop manager. Actors having to try to portray nearly

Disney has seen the shifting tides on the horizon, so all of this “woke” pandering is trying to make the proposition of an expensive vacation palatable to Millenials and Gen Z. The whole DW experience kinda got skipped for many Millenials due to 9/11 and 2008, so there isn’t that nostalgia to bank on. Not to mention,

Not to mention all the surrounding businesses with employees who’d have to come up with plans to either increase their pay or comp the cost of any tolls they’d pay getting in and out of the zone for work.

I mean, the guy is clearly an asshole. But a corporation have its own goverment-like territory is how every cyberpunk dystopia begins.

But Donald Duck knows about fighting against fascist assholes (unlike Trump who IS a fascist asshole), and he’ll put on the Spike Jones and ♪ heil *fart* right in DerSantis’ face. ♪

Not in a fascist kleptocracy like Florida. “Legal” and “illegal” are just words that poor people use when making wishes.