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    I don't think his character is meant to be realistic and I think he was meant to be interpreted as God personally. That scene in the bowling alley sure seemed like him allowing Nikki and Wrench to escape purgatory to turn their lives around while condemning Yuri to Hell for his many sins.

    And that's after the movIe got bad publicity from doctored footage which made people thing a dog got abused during filming.

    There's no real reason to be an ass about it - it's not surprising people think the Stussys are twins given they cast Ewan to play both of them. I didn't realize they weren't twins until last episode when Emmitt confessed.

    I kind of disagree with that because it somewhat insinuates that Chuck wasn't at fault for his own demise. I think Jimmy really did turn a new leaf after that incident, working hard to be someone different until he found out that the brother he looked up to more than anyone betrayed him.

    Real question - should studios just start re-releasing movies like Air Bud and Homeward Bound in China and pretending like they are new movies?

    It's research for all of the descriptions of meals he needs to include in ASOIAF to make us feel like we're there.

    You're thinking of it way too simply if that's the Butterfly Effect moment for you. Jimmy only caused him to get in trouble with the insurance company because Chuck took him to the bar, which only happened cause Jimmy committed a crime in forging documents, which only happened because Chuck tried to take Kim's client

    Did you not read the bottom part of my post?

    I doubt it's the Hulk given how convoluted Marvel's deal with Universal is for his rights (my understanding is Marvel can use him for team-up movies freely but have to split proceeds from any solo movie). Just seems unlikely Marvel could give Hulk to Sony without Universal being on board although I could be wrong and

    I liked the movie just fine but if I ever watched it on TV, I'd only tune in if it was that last hour. That's a meh movie to me. It isn't like John Wick where I would watch the whole thing start to finish.

    I work in consulting and have worked for enough good and bad bosses to think this is a case of a bad boss. Lord and Miller are proven directors and it sounds like Disney hired them and tried to put them in a box. I really wish fucking studio executives would butt out of the creative process.

    It features the most impressive battle sequence of any SW movie IMO. But otherwise meh.

    Maybe go read the Wikipedia page which lists the actual inspirations for the Watchmen characters, most of which are based on Charlton characters as Beau said.

    Fair enough.

    Well I'll preface this by saying I don't want to generalize every person and there are definite exceptions in both directions to the below, but here is what my experience has been based on working in other countries and with people from other countries:

    They made a big deal out of saying Jimmy couldn't appeal directly to the Sandpiper residents to accept the settlement and doing so would mean he lost his share of the settlement. I think it's going to be pretty clear to everyone involved now that he interfered and it would also be easy to see Davis and Main / Howard

    This sounds like the darkest timeline to me.

    You might be right - I also didn't like Erin Hills as a venue for the US Open. They kept saying it was easy cause of no wind but even with the wind, players were shooting low scores on Sunday. Fact is you just can't give professional players that wide of fairways and expect them to do poorly these days - really long

    Jimmy outing his schemes to Irene and others likely means he's losing his share of the Sandpiper money altogether.

    "Kim is sort of emblematic of this American over-working ethic."