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    It took me three reads to get it but I think he is saying Kim may be pregnant and she may end up running to Omaha with the kid which is why Saul insists on being relocated there. It's a real stretch for me though.

    How? Jimmy already turned into Saul once, only backing off because of his relationship with Kim. Take that out of the equation (and we all know that a break-up of some sort is coming, IMO Chuck's suicide will accelerate it) and there is nothing to stop him from embracing his worst traits full-time.

    Line them up three stooges style

    Ironically the biggest complaint about the US Open was the course was too easy as people typically like to see everyone struggle in that major.

    The US Open was a lot of fun to watch but as I mention below, it actually suffered its second worst ratings of all time. I know the AV Club loves to rag on golf and all but using it as a comparison here was dumb as it should have been expected to beat a news show on NBC.

    Oh yea trust me I'm aware, I watched just about all of the US Open this past weekend. It was still a pretty entertaining tournament with a lot of players in the hunt for the win on Sunday.

    Literally nothing but somehow he still was the one talking 80% of the time.

    You're right, I fixed it.

    Somewhat related, the US Open actually had terrible ratings, second-worst of all-time. My guess is no one wants to listen to Joe Buck call golf.

    Agreed and really I think the show should have ended with a shortened season three if they were never going to pivot to Pied Piper being successful and facing growing pains.

    1. For the purpose of this argument, let's assume it is 60/40. That's fine. It's impossible to really tell as like I said, studios get more like 90/10 or 80/20 on opening weeks and foreign markets give much less (China, for example, only gives 25% to studios unless a film is co-produced by a Chinese company which is

    I can't imagine they held all of the data…how many people could have possibly been in that room out of the 120k+ (likely more given they had users before Hooli-con) they had in their network? Their network had to call for extreme redundancy of data - right? After all, what would happen if someone just deletes their

    Alright couple of minor things right off the bat just to argue semantics:

    The episode was funny and all but did they really have to do another plot where Richard runs into an ex-girlfriend at a convention and is so awkward and petty that he sabotages his own company only to be bailed out by sheer luck?

    You're way oversimplifying how the movie business, or really business in general, works. For one, every company sets projections for their financials based on whatever management and statistical data they have available and track their performance based on that. Studios do this for movies, so yes $100M can be

    I see this comment a lot but just don't understand it. Comic-book Eddie Brock hated Spider-Man because he attributed his life going to shit as Spider-Man's fault. Keep in mind that at this point, he has no idea who Spider-Man is.

    Yea I don't get what Sony is doing at all. As I understood the deal, Feige basically offered to help manage their shared universe for free for the rights to use Spidey every now and then. Instead Sony is doing their best to fuck it up by coming up with their own ideas and making the same mistakes that led to TASM

    I'm beginning to think more and more that the MCU should have never made the deal to bring Spidey in. Tom Holland was great as Spidey in Civil War but pretty unnecessary and Sony has gone out of its way to try to work around the deal either by announcing unrelated, now loosely related, spinoffs, making claims that the

    Just like it was a good idea to give Trump multiple platforms to humanize himself - right?

    Yea I guess I remembered it wrong…I just don't know why you get the same actor to play non-twins.