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    Wait…are Emmitt and Ray not twins? Emmitts story makes it seem like Ray was two years younger than him unless I misheard it. And if they're not twins…WTF

    Me too but that was five years ago now. He also was in Looper that year and while I didn't like that movie much, he was pretty good in it.

    Only an idiot wouldn't realize that the only person who benefits from this is Alex Jones…he already is OK with spewing an incredibly insensitive and idiotic belief, why would he give a shit if more people were disgusted with him when there's the chance that a couple of fellow idiots would agree with him and start

    Just a general question - do people not know RT has an average rating as well as the Tomatometer? For example, their average rating of Wonder Woman is 7.60, same as Metacritic. Likely they have the exact same formula to calculate it even.

    They show the average rating of movies too - does no one know this?

    You know you can see the average rating on RT too right?

    I think RT is a great tool that people simply misuse. It isn't meant to replace your personal opinion, it's just providing data points to help you decide what to go see. It isn't RT itself which takes the nuance out of the reviews, it is people who misinterpret data.

    Metacritic isn't nearly as useful as RT to me as there are far fewer game reviewers and many of them use a five or ten point scale which skews average scores way up or way down. Plus I'd rather read a full review of something I'm going to spend $60 and lots of hours on whereas with a movie I can go see a $5 matinee

    OK Hollywood…the reason three shitty movies failed is because they got a rotten tomato. Not because they were movies that never had a high demand, not because they were movies with average to shitty looking trailers, and not because they were critically ravaged by just about everyone. They failed because a website

    Posted the same thing below - pineapple on burgers is awesome!

    I think pineapple works great on savory dishes personally. I'm a big fan of burgers with a grilled pineapple slice on them.

    People who go see big dumb action movies have pretty much already made up their mind on seeing them, for the most part. So RT wouldn't have an impact on those people - they just want to see CGI explosions. But RT does have a pretty big impact on lesser-known movies in the US. Get Out, as an example, greatly benefited

    It's just painful to keep watching Richard as CEO. Last season, Hooli bought End Frame for $250M and seemingly has made good money on their investment thanks to selling the boxes Jack Barker wanted Pied Piper to sell. This season, everyone thinks Richard is being ridiculous for trying to sell Pied Piper for a tenth of

    I kind of wonder if they're going to have him take over Erlich's role moving forward given TJ Miller has said he isn't coming back for season five.

    Richard: Dinish, how much are tickets to Hooli-con?
    Dinesh: Why would I have that information?

    I looked at the average price of a 4K TV to get my number because the general consumer would shop around and buy something based on both price and quality. I don't know about the TV you mentioned and really don't want to look at its specs / reviews against other TVs given I'm not in the market for one right now.

    You do realize that the guy you replied to said 4K would only be worth it if you had a TV bigger than 60 inches and your counterpoint was your 65 inch TV looks amazing in 4K?

    The Switch is fantastic as a portable console…there is nothing else out there that lets you play a game like Zelda on a plane. And the 2-3 hour battery life hasn't impacted me one bit given I rarely need to play something on the go for longer than that (and when I have like when I flew to Mexico for a vacation, I've

    I can't for the life of me understand how you think this is cheap. For someone to get into 4K, they have to buy a new TV that'll run them around $1,000 minimum. For someone to get into VR, they have to buy a VR headset. And this new X-Box costs $500 itself (not including games or accessories).

    The idea behind the finale was fine, it was the execution that didn't work at all. The writers spent the entire last season trying to convince viewers that Barney and Robin were perfect for each other and that we should all love Tracy (which I think most people did). Then in one fell swoop they upended everything for